Chapter 339 - How it All Began (1) (unedited) (1/2)
(Regaleon's POV)
”Here it is, the door that does not break whatever we do.” Belgor said.
”I can feel such tremendous magic behind that door.” I said. I was sure that the key fragment was just behind that closed door. I am very close in getting it.
The door looked like any other ordinary door. It was made of hard wood, with wooden frames. For a normal human eye, they would only see a door that leads inside a room. The only problem is, no one can open the door. They would only think that it was locked inside. But for us Atlantian's that were gifted with magic, we are sensitive to magic depending on one's high magic perception.
In my eyes, I can see a thin veil like curtain cloaking the door. It was enveloping the door like a protective barrier or shield.
”Have you tried to break open this door in the past?” I asked Belgor.
”So many times.” Belgor replied with a shrug of his shoulder. ”Here, let me demonstrate.” He slowly approached the door with his hand to touch it.
I heard something when Belgor retracted his hand swiftly.
”Well, this happens after I simply touch it.” Belgor showed me his slightly burned hand.
”With just a slight touch, something like this happened.” I am now sure for a fact that this room was cloaked with defensive magic. ”But I cannot let this stop me. I need to find a way to go inside.” I said with dedication.
When I was about to take a step closer, Alex stepped in front to stop me.
”Your majesty, I cannot let you near this door. Harm might befall on you.” Alex said. ”As your personal body guard and second in command in this mission, let me be the one to approach.” He bowed his head before me upon his request.
I nodded my head, letting him do as he has told me. In all of the men under Dimitri, Alex is one of the persons that looks up to me. He is one of the reasons I work hard to live up to their expectations.
'It is not an easy role to be given, being their somewhat idol.' I thought. 'But I feel proud being one, and so I work hard to not disappoint them.'
Alex pulled out his sword from its sheath and pointed it towards the door. He walked cautiously towards the door, and the tip of his sword touched the thin veil like curtain that envelopes it. Without any warning, Alex's body was hurled out and went flying.
”Alex!” I shouted while my eyes stayed on him until his body hit the wall opposite the door.
”Ugh.” Alex groaned in pain, spitting up some blood. I ran towards him, feeling worried about his wellbeing.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click /book/the-forgotten-princess_12507300405677105/how-it-all-began-(1)-(unedited)_50999706909733813 for visiting.
”Alex, are you okay?” I asked while I kneeled on one knee to inspect his body.
”I am fine your majesty.” Alex forced a smile, a smudge of blood was seen at the side of his lips. ”This is only a minor injury, nothing to be worried about. It is just like receiving injuries in training, hehe.” He laughed.
”Like training?” I asked.
'How intense is Dimitri training his men?' I thought. Thinking that Dimitri's subordinates are an elite group of men, I am guessing his training is something gruesome. 'My training of the soldiers in the Black Dragon Army gave me the nickname 'tyrant', then maybe Dimitri can be called a 'devil trainer'. I should try and oversee his training once all of this settles down.'