Chapter 330 - Azure Dragon (1) (unedited) (1/2)

(Regaleon's POV)

A huge pillar of water shot up from the sea below. It was unlike the water pillars that shot up a while ago, this one was much larger.

When all the water have fallein back into the sea, what's left was some form of creature. Its body is long and covered with scales. If I am not mistaken, this is none other than the divine beast the Almighty One has taked about, the azure dragon.

”Who has come to disturb my master's return?” The voice of the azure dragon was quite menacing.

”I am here to see my wife.” I said holding my ground but I can feel the heavy aura the azure dragon is emitting.

The azure dragon was focused on looking at us. There was silence for a momet, and the tension was getting heavier with each passing second.

'I can feel his menacing aura, Leon.' Tempest said to me telepathically.

'I know. I can sense it as well.' I replied via telepathy as well.

I am not sure if the azure dragon right now is a friend or foe. But with the aura he is emitting, Tempest and I cannot let our guard down.

”I see. So you are the husband of the body where my master chose to be born from.” The azure dragon replied.

”Yes.” I replied, having hope that the divine beast in front of me would at least let me pass thru. ”I wish to see my wife and guard her while your master's soul and magic is being absorbed into her body. The baby inside of her is my child as well.”

”Hmm... I see.” The asure dragon nodded its head. ”But I am afraid I cannot let you pass, even though you are the husband of my master's host or the father.”

I clenched my fits having my hopes shattered instantly.

”If it is guarding you are, I am very capable of doing that. It is actually my job.” The azure dragon said. ”So just go back to where you came from!!!” He roared out loud. The vibration shook everything in the vicinity, including us. Tempest was pushed some feet away from where we were hovering.

”I think talking to this guy will be in vain.” Tempest said. ”He won't give into reasons.”

I have expected that much after the Almighty One explained the azure dragon's behavior just a while ago. But I need to try to at least see my wife.

”At least let me look at her, even for just a split second.” I pleaded with the divine beast. ”I just want to see her safe and sound.”

”Such a persistent person you are.” The azure dragon said with a huff. ”If you do not have the key to present for the right of passage, you cannot pass thru. If you insist on it, then I do not have any option but to chase you away.”

”At least let my master see his wife, even just a glimpse.” Tempest was now the one trying to plead.

”I have short patience. If you still insist, then I do not have a choice but to turn you away by force!” The azure dragon said with furt. ”Prepare yourselves!”

The azure dragon's shout shook the vicinity with much force than before. Tempest was not able to hold his position in the air and we were blown away. I held on tight unto his back.

”Leon, brace yourself!” Tempest shouted. ”He is coming!”

I held on tight in his back when In felt something ram hard on Tempest's body. The azure dragon's long body started to coil around Tempest, like what a snake does with it's prey.

”Tempest?!” I worried for my familiar's safety.

I quickly drew out my sword from its sheath and made my way to the nearest body of the dragon. I gained momentum and stabbed the scaly body of the azure dragon wit my sword. But my sword bounced back from were it hit, as if the azure dragon's body was also made out of hard steel.

'Leon, use your fire armor.' Tempest said to me telepathically.

I did what he had told me to do and used my magic to envelope my body with my flames, to form my fire armor. After that, I saw Tempest's body started to emit light, his while body as well is being engulfed in flames.

I was nearly immune to the burning sensation of fire if I concentrate on my magic, even my fire armor coating my body felt just like ordinary armor to me. But with Tempest flames, I can feel the heat even with my fire armor protecting me.

Tempest's whole body was burning. He was like a hige bird caught on fire. The hot flames burned the azure dragon, and it let go from entangling Tempest's body.