Chapter 325 - Unknown Voice (1) (1/2)

When I woke up, the sun has set and it was already dark outside. The moon was in the quarter moon phase and so the stars were brightly shining in the night sky.

”To think I slept after confronting Regaleon.” I sighed and got up from bed. I looked around and Regaleon was not around.

”Tricia?!” I called out. And in an instant the door opened.

”Your majesty, you are awake.” Tricia said with a smile. She hurriedly lighted the lights inside the room. ”His majesty was called by vice-captain Chris once again because of an urgent matter. He has entrusted you to me and Sir William.”

”Oh...” I replied. I was about to ask her where my husband was but she answered before I even asked. Regaleon must have instructed her to tell me where he was once I have woken up.

”Would you like to eat your dinner, your majesty?” Tricia asked.

”I will wait for Regaleon to return and eat with him Tricia.” I replied with a smile. ”Thank you.”

”Then let me at least get you some biscuits to snack while waiting.” Tricia said. She bowed her head and left the room.

I was alone once again and still feeling groggy. ”I cannot believe I am still sleepy after sleeping that much.” I said. ”There are really so many things to experience being pregnant.”

Aside from getting fatigued and sleepy, my mood swings are getting out of hand. While recollecting what happened last night with Lady Destia and my husband, I am thinking that I could have handled talking to my husband more calmly. But I was brought to tears and anger after confronting him. Just thinking of another woman using her body to seduce my husband infuriates me to the core.

”Am I really this easy to get angry and jealous?” I asked myself.

While lying down in bed, a gentle sea breeze came in from the veranda door that was open. I can see the curtains swaying with the gentle breeze. It felt it on my body then a shiver crept on my skin, all the hair on my body stood up.

The feeling gave me the goosebumps and I rubbed my skin with my hands. But then another breeze came blowing in and blew towards my ears.

'I have found you at last.' A voice gently whispered on my ear.

I was shocked and surprised that I jumped down the bed in an instant. Tricia just opened the door when she saw me wide eye in shock.

”Your majesty, what happened?!” Tricia said with a loud tone that also alerted William.

William dashed inside the room while holding the hilt of his sword tighlty. He looked around in attention.

”I-I thought I heard a voice.” I said while my heart was racing. ”It was so close, as if it whispered in my ear.”

”Take her majesty to safe room Tricia.” William said. ”I will check the room just to make sure and then report this incident to his majesty.”

”I understand.” Tricia said while walking towards me. ”Let's go your majesty.”

”O-Okay.” I replied and nodded.

Tricia and I then left the room towards one of the parlour room's of the estate.


I was sipping some herbal tea that Anatalia had brewed when Regaleon bursts inside the parlour room. He was frantic looking but when his eyes met mine, he sighed in relief.

”Are you alright, my wife?” Regaleon quickly strode towards where I was sitting and kneeled before me.

”I am fine my love.” I replied with a smile to wash away his worries. ”I was just startled, that's all.”

” I have given Alicia some herbal tea that cab calm her and also help stabilize the baby inside her belly.” Anatalia said with a bright smile. ”No need to worry because I am here to look after her.”

”Thank you as always.” Regaleon nodded with gratitude towards Anatalia and she replied with a proud smile on her face.

”Tell me what happened my love.” Regaleon said. He caressed my cheek gently with the palm of his hand. I felt safe automatically when I felt his warmth.