Chapter 323 - My Childhood Friend (1/2)

After my talk with lady Destia, Raphael walked me back to my room. Along the way we chatted with each other while William was following from behind.

”I am truly sorry for what my sister has done.” Raphael said apologetically.

”You need not to apologize to me Sir Raphael.” I said. ”Your sister was the one to have done something offending and she had apologized and paying for it as well.”

”You know, you can call me by my name if it is just us your majesty.” Raphael said. ”No need to be formal.”

”Then you can also drop the 'your majesty' and call me by my name, brother Rap.” I gave him a friendly smile.

”Thank you... Alicia.” Raphael hesitated a bit but was able to call me by my name.

”This mansion did not change that much since the time we were kids.” I reminisced the one time in my childhood when we visited here in the past. ”I was never allowed to go out of the estate, and so I have a vague memory of the interior of this mansion.”

”Yes, I remember.” Raphael added. ”We used to play inside and also out in the gardens. Pity, I did not have the chance to show you the beach. You can only look from afar.”

I was not able to go outside of the estate because of my position as an illegitimate daughter. I was seen as a disgrace by the former queen and so I was not able to be with the royal family outside.

”But you always kept me company back then.” I said. ”I am grateful to that. You had become a memorable childhood friend to me.”

If William was my first best friend when I debuted in high society, Raphael was a childhood friend I made when I was still young.

”Yes, I clearly remeber that.” Raphael replied. ”That memory is something I treasure the most.”

We were silent for a some minuted while walking along the corridors. It felt a little awkward between us but after a while, Raphael was the one to speak once again.

”My sister and I... we never got the chance to debut in high society because of our mother's illness.” Raphael said.

”Yes. I have heard about how your mother was terribly ill for a long time before she passed away.” I replied. ”I remember the late duchess as a kind woman. She often gave me cookies when she sees me along playing in the garden.”

Duke Destia's family was a harmonious one. They were a loving couple that were kind to the people they govern. They were also exemplary parents to their children. It was just unfortunate that the duchess fell terminaly ill. I can see that this mansion is not the same as in the past when the duchess was still alive.

”My sister and I, we missed a lot because of it. But I never complained about it. As the eldest, I understood why my father had decided that my sister and I stay here while mother was ill. She can leave this world without prior notice, and my father would want us to be there when that happened.” Raphael said. ”But Deborah... she did not understand. I do not know if it is because she was so young back then to understand or she was just spoiled to much by us. Her grivances that were etched deep in her heart... was our fault.”

I did not have any words to say to Raphael's words and so I just nodded in reply. Whatever had happened for Deborah to be like that, I am in no position to judge her. I just wish that from this day, she can turn over a new leaf and show that she is a lady of this house that they can be proud of.

”I also have my own regrets.” Raphael said with a sad smile. ”I decided not to speak of what is in my heart, but I think I will regret even further if I was not able to say this.”

”What is it?” I asked in utter curiosity.

”If I was just given a chance to attend high society in the capital, I would have attended your debutant party in the past. I would have asked to be your partner back then.” Raphael said with a solemn gaze.

I stopped in my tracks trying to digest what Raphael just said. Back then, I was a forgotten princess. And so, I was never given a chance to have a partner in my debutant ball. But if ever a princess had a partner when she debuted, that means her partner is someone that has proposed marriage to her, an engagement between families. It was normal to have royals to be engaged at an early age and be wedded when they come of age, but us siblings was never given an arranged marriage. Maybe because my father the king did not want us, his children, to be in a marriage we never wanted just like him.

”Are you telling me that...” I looked at Raphael with wide eyes.

”Yes, I intended to ask for your hand in marriage once I debuted in high society. I have that in mind since the first time I met you.” Raphael said.