Chapter 305 - The Bandits Annihilation (3) (1/2)

(Regaleon's POV)

The boss used his battle axe to defend from my sword, but the force of my attack had pushed him out of the door and onto the railing of the second floor. He fell from the railings and down to the first floor with a strong force.


The boss' body gad a strong impact that it made a huge whole onto the wooden floorboards of the first floor. Smoke from the impact spread all over the first floor receiving area.

”*Cough cough cough* that f*cking son of a…” I heard the boss cursed.

With the smoke all over, visibility was hard, but I can tell where the boss' location was after he spoke. Before he finished his sentenced, I launched an attack once again, aiming for his neck for a quick kill.

The boss' eyes went wide when the smoke cleared out on my sudden rush. He was taken by surprise, but he was able to use his battle axe to defend once again.

”F*ck, who are you?!” The boss shouted in rage when we were but inches away, with our weapons between us.

”You do not need to know.” My lips raised in one side to make half a smile.

The boss used his strength to push me away from him. I can see sweat forming in his forehead, his breathing became ragged.

'He is feeling afraid.' I smirked. ”It looks like you have quite good reflexes for a bandit. It is a shame you put such talents in bad ways.” I said with a hint of regret in my voice.

”Shut up!” The boss yelled out loud. ”Who are you to lecture me?!” He growled.

”I am no one in particular.” I shrugged my shoulders. ”But today, I will be your executioner, so prepare yourself.” I looked at him like a hunter looking at his prey.

The boss flinched and felt my killing aura. Without any further words, I launched an attack at him with full force.

The bandit's boss was able to parry my attacks, it just proves that he has good fighting abilities.

'But all he could do is parry and dodge my attack.' I thought while I continued rendering him blow after blow.

The bandits' boss was clearly getting tired with my powerful attacks. He has no way to make an attack towards me because he was busy dodging my attacked that are meant to kill him in one go.

”F*ck this!” The boss yelled in irritation. I can see his hands that were holding his body axe shaking. ”Huyaahhh!”

Surprisingly, he made a bold move after seeing a once second gap in between my attacks. His battle axe was aimed at my body, but I was able to dodge in no time. It was impressive that he was able to swing such a big battle axe around, that just shows how powerful his strength was. But even if he can swing the big battle axe as is, it was still heavy, and it slows down its attack time. I can easily dodge such an attack.

But what surprised me was the bandit boss was able to make a follow up attack after the first swing. He was coming right at me, swing upon swing. I can read his movements easily and so I was able to dodge with my great reflex.

'He has impressive strength. I give him that.' I thought. 'Too bad he used it in doing bad things.'

My reason to kill me did not change even if I saw such potential in him. People with bad intentions and have done bad things does not have any place in my army. Even with superior skills, one cannot be included under my ranks.

At the last boss' swing, I parried his attack and sent him flying out of the building. He ended up lying on dirt after receiving just a parry from me.

”You have quite good skills.” I praised him. ”But too bad, your skills are no match for me.” I walked out into the open.

The boss was bruised all over. He spit our blood and stood up with the help of his battle axe. I can see his eyes darting around.

'He is planning on escaping.' I thought and smirked.

”Are you trying to escape?” I asked him with a mocking tone. ”I think that will not be possible for you.”

”What did you say?!” The boss was both astonished and irritated with my words. ”What do you mean by that?”

”Are you not wondering where the other bandits that came with have gone?” I asked him.

The boss understood what I meant in no time. He looked around and saw no one in the vicinity.

Just a while ago from Tempest's eyes, I saw at least some dozen bandits coming here with their boss. Their target was the store house full of food stocked for the coming winter season. They thought that everything was according their plan. They would not have thought that my men were waiting inside the dark store house and ambush them from the inside and outside as well.

”What have you done to me men, you b*stard?!” The boss yelled in anger. I was surprised that he has such affection towards his men.

'Comradery between thieves.' I thought.

As a reply to his question, I raised my hand as a sign. My men then went out from the shadows. They had the bandits tied up. There was a small battle, but it only lasted for a few minutes until my men was able to subdue the bandits and they surrendered willingly after.

”B-Boss…” One bandit said.

”We are sorry boss.” Another had said.