Chapter 301 - Notorious Bandits (1) (2/2)

”That is a great idea, David.” Another bandit said. ”We can ask him where these mercenaries are lodging, and we can slit their throats while they sleep.”

”Can you contact that person right now?” The boss asked. ”Whatever happens, we need to do this tonight. Let us use the element of surprise.”

”Y-Yes, I have a way to contact her boss.” David replied meekly.

”Then call her right now.” The boss said with a grin on his face.


Time went by and David came back with a young woman.

”Ho, ho, ho, what do we have here?” A bandit said.

”She looks pretty.” One bandit said. ”Is she your lover?”

”Haha, what a shock. You have a beautiful lover tucked away in this remote village.” Another one said.

”Why don't we play with her after we are done with our job.” The other one said.

The notorious looking bandits were starting to hover around the young man. David used his body as a shield to stop the other bandits' advances.

”P-Please stop this.” David said. ”She is pregnant.”

”Oho, you little rascal you.” A bandit teased him.

”Stop it.” The boss interjected. ”This is not the time to entertain your l.u.s.ts. This woman is David's so just lay off. There are other women in the village for the taking once we are thru.”

”Wooohooo.” The bandits shouted. ”Boss really is the best.”

”Now, little missy. What can you tell us about the mercenaries inside your village?” The boss looked at the young woman quite intimidatingly.

The young man cowered in fear and held onto David's sleeves. ”I-I know they are at least five in total.”

”Five you say.” The boss said. ”Well that is quite a few.”

”T-The village elder only had the right amount to h-hire five.” The young woman said. ”A-And the village is not that big. Five strong and sturdy mercenaries would suffice, t-they say.”

”Hmmm like I thought.” The boss said. ”How about where are they staying, you know?”

”Y-Yes.” The young woman replied. ”T-The inn at the f-far end of the village.”

”Hmm, that seems to understandable.” The boss said. 'Having the others stay at the other end of the village while two are stationed near the entrance. That makes sense.' He thought.

The boss at least knew that the mercenaries have good sense of defense at least. They have stationed men at both entrances. They may be small in number, but this was a good way to form a defensive stance. If ever the mercenaries caught site of them, they can seal the village's entrances and their chance to raid this village would be zero.

”Do you have any other information about the mercenaries?” The boss asked the young woman.

The young woman was still intimidated with the bandit boss' appearance and was still visibly frightened.

”It is okay, you can tell them.” David encouraged.

”I-I heard them talking at the pub I was working at.” The young woman said. ”They said that at eight sharp, they would change shifts in the front entrance. B-but the one that would change with the person guarding now said he might be late for a few minutes b-because he had an upset stomach.”

”Hahahaha, what are the odds!” The boss laughed out loud. ”It looks like, lady luck is smiling on us.”

The other bandits were visibly happy as well. They now have a chance to get in with only one guarding the front entrance. If they were quick, the alarm will not be set off and the doors will not be closed before they enter.

”If we silently kill the one guard then we can enter.” The other bandit said.

”We will split in too two group.” The boss said. ”One group will go in the front entrance and be on guard there. The other group will follow me and pay the other mercenaries a visit.” He had a sinister grin on his face.

edited by:nalyn

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