Chapter 291 - In for a Surprise (1) (2/2)

”That was surprising.' Tenasia said. She walked towards where Regaleon' body was lying. ”Well really it is not a surprise at all, knowing that betraying someone is in your blood. Maybe your willingness to survive override your feelings of love for this man. I pity him.”

I cannot fathom the siren queen's word. I could not have done such actions if not Regaleon made me do it to him.

”You are in no position to talk to me about love.” I said with seethed anger. ”Your love towards the Almighty One is nothing but an obsession. No wonder he never reciprocated your feelings towards him. I am sure he knew that your feelings for him was never truly love.”

Tenasia's face distorted in anger with my words. ”How dare you lecture me about my feelings. You know nothing!” She said in fury. ”You will die by my hands tonight!”

The siren queen's hands were aimed towards me. Her nails grew long and sharp, ready to fly towards me any second now. The other sirens were surrounding me, just waiting for their queen's orders.

I stood up to gather my bearing, I am not going to go down without a fight. I am sure that Regaleon is still alive and I need to get to him and escape whatever it takes.

”Die, descendant of the Almighty One!” Tensia was ready to launch her attack when something unthinkable happened. A sword has been impaled on her torso from the back.

”I think you will be the one that is going to die here siren queen.” Regaleon emerged from behind Tenasia.

”H-How did you… impossible. But you were under my spell.” Tenasia looked behind towards Regaleon with shock. Blood spurted out from her mouth.

”I became conscious the time some fire burning on the ground grazed me.” Regaleon explained.

Come to think of it, some of my fire attacks that hit the ground did not died down completely. Some are still burning around us in patches on the ground.

”One I was fully conscious, I realized that I cannot fully control my body because of your spell.” Regaleon continued. ”But when the fire grazed my legs, I was able to take control of that part of my body. That was when I knew that fire could take back my control over my body.”

”This cannot be.” Tenasia said with disbelief. ”This… has never happened before.”

Maybe in the past, all the humans that were put under the sirens spell never once woke up and so they never knew that their spell had a flaw. Fire can awaken a human male that was under the spell of a siren's song.

”No, no, no, no…!” Tensia cannot believe it. ”This cannot happen, NOOOOO!”

The loud sound of her voice hurt my ears. She was able to get away from Regaleon's hold and is still trying to turn the tide on us for the last time.

”Tempest, NOW!” Regaleon shouted.

After hearing Regaleon's word, Tempest emerged from the trees with fiery wings. He sent small fire balls towards the men that was under the siren's spell.




The men that were in a trance just a while ago was now screaming from the burning flames all over their bodies. I saw them rolling on the ground to extinguish the fire burning on their clothes.

”Did you all have nice dreams that you did not want to wake up?!” Regaleon scolded his men.

”Y-Your Majesty…” Chris was the first one to stand in attention. ”Forgive us for being weak and falling for the enemy's spell!” He kneeled and asked for forgiveness and the others followed his gesture.

”Hmph, for now you need to redeem yourselves.” Regaleon said with a cold tone. ”All of you will take your punishments after defeating the enemies here.

”YES!” The men replied in unison.

Now that Regaleon's men have come back to their right state of mind, we have a chance to win this battle.

edited by: nalyn

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