Chapter 285 - Mystical Lake (1) (2/2)
Regaleon finished eating and put his bowl down. I gave him napkin to wipe his mouth. I felt like a normal wife, serving his husband. After that I cuddled close to him and rested my head on his shoulder. He in turn wrapped his arms around me.
”I like us being like this.” I muttered in content.
My felt content just being like this. Our time together since we united was something, I cherished the most. Both of us were trying to catch the years that we have been apart.
”I like being with you as well.” Regaleon replied. ”Having you by my side, feeling your heat and seeing you safe and sound, makes me feel at ease.”
Time passed by and the night was deepening. Tricia came back with my shawl and she left just after giving it to me, seeing that I was with Regaleon. The men have started to retire to their respective tents and the noise that the group made died down.
”It is a little too quiet here.” Regaleon muttered in passing.
After hearing Regaleon's words, I became hypersensitive and alert to the surroundings. Like Regaleon exclaimed, it was a little too quiet being outside in the woods.
I was expecting to hear crickets in the night, or at least nocturnal animals making sounds. But the surroundings were eerie. All I can hear was the hustling of the wind on the tree branches and the grass.
”Come to think of it, Snow said something earlier.” I said. ”She said she did not like this place. She left instantly after eating.”
”I have not seen Tempest around as well.” Regaleon said. ”I just hope it is not something to worry about.” I nodded in agreement.
Whatever there is in this part of the southern woods, I wish that nothing will happened with our stay for the night. I hope that we can just sleep and pass the night without anything major happening.
”I think its best we also turn in for the night.” Regaleon said and stood up. ”Let us rest for the night and wake up early in the morning, so that we can leave this place earlier.”
Regaleon offered his hand and I took it and get up from my seat as well. The two of us walked hand in hand until we reached our tent. The half-moon in the sky was reflecting over the lake. It was odd that the once clear lake earlier when the sun was still up now looks deep and dark.
'Maybe its because it is nighttime.' I thought. 'Probably because there is little light, so the lake looks dark and deep.'
Regaleon and I came inside our tent and lied down, ready to sleep. He held me close in his embrace and sleep came to me slowly.
I heard a faint noise in the distance. It was like someone was humming a song from a distance. I opened my eyes slowly and remembered that we spent the night out in the woods. I gathered my bearings and my eyes adjusted to the darkness. I was inside the tent that me and Regaleon made, but oddly I cannot feel Regaleon beside me. I sat up and saw that I was all alone inside the tent.
”Leon should be here sleeping with me.” I muttered to myself.
But then I heard the humming sound once again. This time I heard the sound more clearly. It sounded like it was a woman's voice. Together with the humming was the sound of slow footsteps coming from outside the tent.
I shuffled up and wore my clothes before going out. I came out slowly and carefully and saw the men in our group either standing of slowly walking. At first, I did not think anything out of the ordinary but when I looked closely, all the men were awake by this time of the night.
”No, they are not awake.” I muttered.
The men had their eyes open, but they were lifeless. It was like they were in a trance.
”Y-Your majesty!” Tricia came running in alarm. ”I-I am glad you are safe. Something is not normal.” She said in concern.
”What is going on, do you know Tricia?” I asked worriedly. Tricia shook her head in reply.
”I came out to get some water to drink and saw Sir William walking in a daze as well.” Tricia said. ”I tried to shake him awake but to no avail.”
I was alarmed of what was happening. This is no ordinary sleep walking. Knowing that all the men in the group was walking in one direction, and with William and Regaleon nowhere to be found, I must do something.
If you are not reading this in then I am sorry but what you are reading is clearly pirated.
edited by: nalyn
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