Chapter 275 - A Night to Remember (2) (R18) (2/2)

”That was awesome.” Regaleon planted a kiss on my cheek.

”Hehe, yes.” I agreed. But I was so exhausted that I cannot barely keep my eyes open.

”You can sleep if you want.” Regaleon said with a gentle and soothing voice. ”I will take care of you.”

”Hmm.” Is all I can respond when sleep took over me.


I felt the something warm enveloping me. I opened my heavy eyelids and saw the sun's rays seeping thru the spaces in between the curtains. I was still a little gorgy when I realized that I was back inside my room in the house Regaleon rented.

The dark curtains cannot fully stop the brightness outside. Judging from the brightness, it must be late in the morning. I tried to move a little, but my body ached, and I felt sore down there. Under the sheets, I can feel arms wrapped around me, hence the warm feeling I felt from once I woke up.

”Are you awake?” I heard Regaleon's sleepy voice behind me.

I turned my body slowly and saw his sleepy face beside me. My heart was beating fast, seeing Regaleon's handsome sleeping face. He opened his eyes slowly, giving me a sweet smile.

”To wake up everyday seeing your beautiful face is a bliss.” Regaleon said smoothly.

I felt my cheeks heat up with his cheeky words. But who was I to blame him? Because I also felt the same, I can wake up everyday with his handsome face beside me. This was simple happiness that I am lucky to have.

”Good morning my love.” Regaleon planted a soft kiss on my forehead. My heart felt a tingling sensation with his sweet gesture. ”How are you feeling?” He asked.

”W-Well to be honest, my body feels kind of sore.” I said with embarrassment. I covered half of my face with the blanket, feeling shy. That was when I realized that I was n.a.k.e.d under the sheets.

”Hahaha…” Regaleon chuckled. ”That is to be expected, with our rigorous activity last night. Do not worry, you can rest the whole day today. I will tell them to bring our meals here.”

Regaleon stood up, displaying his glorious n.a.k.e.d body. I was still surprised that I covered my eyes when I saw him. I can hear him chuckling.

”My wife is still shy.” Regaleon said with a smile. I can feel him standing at my bedside and slowly peeling my hands off my eyes. ”I will be right back. Just stay here and rest okay.” He kissed the back of my hand.

Regaleon was wearing his robe and walked outside the room. When he closed the door, I squealed and trashed on bed with delight.

'I can't believe I am now Regaleon's wife.' I thought. Happiness was swelling all over my body.

Yesterday was full of surprises. Regaleon and I are now legally married, and we consummated our marriage last night. Everything felt like a dream because just a few weeks ago I was still a hostage in Jennovia. Regaleon travelled to the capital of Jennovia just to save me and now we are legally wedded spouse.

'I will work hard as Regaleon's wife and the future empress of this continent once the war ended.' I thought.

The next thing we need to do right now is to find the pieces of the key to the forbidden magic. Now that we have the two sides of the pendant, we can search for them.

'We have to find it, so that it won't get into the hands of bad people.' I felt determined.

Edited by: nalyn

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