Chapter 205 - The Ancient Prophecy (2) (1/2)
(Regaleon's POV)
And to think this almighty being was the one that founded Atlantia and bestowed his subjects with magic abilities and his descendants have much more powerful magic powers.
”Is that why the royal family of Atlantia practiced i.n.c.e.s.t?” I concluded. ”Do they believe purer blood means more powerful magic?”
”You are correct.” Gilbert nodded. ”The royal family of Atlantia, because of their direct linage with the almighty being, was afraid there magic powers will weaken if they copulated with others. Well not all of them practiced i.n.c.e.s.t. Some got married with other Atlantians. They were regarded as the branch families. Your mother was of the branch family. Your blood may not be pure as the almighty being's but I am sure you have a more ample amount of magical powers than other Atlantians have.”
My eyes went wide open with this information, I didn't know of this.
”Your mother did not tell you?” Gilbert looked at me puzzled.
I shook my head as a reply. ”No, she never told me of her linage. She was afraid that I will be shunned by other people because of my Atlantian blood. I never knew I also have some royal blood flowing thru my veins.”
Gilbert nodded in understanding. ”Your mother was trying to protect you from the harsh criticism. I am sure she loves you dearly.”
”The chosen one, does the person have to be of pure blood?” I asked earnestly.
Gilbert held his chin and was in deep thought once again.
”When I read about the prophecy in the book I was translating and deciphering, I was still young and was just starting to learn the ancient texts. It read that before the almighty being died, he said that he will come back one day when the continent was in danger. He had foreseen the destruction of this continent and the' chosen one', his resurrection will be the one to either save of destroy it with his own hands.” Gilbert explained. ”The almighty being was the one that helped this continent to prosper. In his return, if he sees that the people living here don't deserve the prosperity he has given them, then he will purge the continent.”
To my understanding, the 'chosen one' will be the judge and executioner. He will be judging the inhabitants actions.
”But did the almighty one say how he will return?” I asked once again.
Gilbert was deep in thought once more.
”The ancient text when I read it in the past was vague about the chosen one. It just says it will come from the royal blood line. Back then I just concluded that the chosen one must be of pureblood and a male because the almighty was male.” Gilbert concluded.
”Then does that mean there is a possibility that the chosen one can be female and not of pure blood?” I asked in earnest. I was thinking of Alicia's display of magical power. The strength of her magic was profound even if she was not of pure blood.
Gilbert looked at me in confusion. ”What do you mean your majesty? Do you have someone that you think might be the chosen one? Your fiancée perhaps?”
I nodded to Gilbert's question.
”Alicia, I have known her since she was fourteen years old. I was there when she first manifested her powers. I saw how powerful and destructive her magic powers are first hand.” I said.
I told Gilbert the occurrence since the first time I met Alicia and when she first used her magic powers. I also told him about how fast Alicia improved in the two years have taught her. I also told him on what happened to Alicia before she was abducted by the crown prince of Jennovia.
Gilbert was deep in thought once more. He nodded with every sentence I have said.
”It is true that this show of power is not common with a half blood, let alone a female.” Gilbert said. ”And it was rather late when she manifested her magical powers. Commonly, an Atlantian manifests their magical abilities at a young age.”
”Yes, that is why I am thinking that maybe Alicia has a connection with the chosen one.” I said.
Alicia's fast improvement with her magic abilities is rather worrying. If we look at it now, she may be more powerful than me in the magical aspect.
”There can be a possibility that the princess may be a candidate for the chosen one. The other is the son of Queen Patricia.” Gilbert said.
”If the chosen one is that b*stard, then we are already finished.” I scoffed just thinking about it.
”If Prince Gladiolus is the chosen one, then that forbidden magic will be a trouble for us. I have to find a way to destroy it before he gets his hands on it. No I have to destroy it even if Alicia is the chosen one. What if that power destroys her small body?” I said. Just thinking about it brings shivers to my whole body.
”I am afraid that the forbidden magic the almighty one left can't be destroyed that easily.” Gilbert said with a serious tone.