Chapter 193 The Aftermath (1/2)
”Sati, Jack!” I called them after they landed safely on the ground.
Jack was carrying Satiana protectively in his arms.
”What happened? How is she?” I asked immediately once I was near them. I saw Satiana covered with black ashes and stains on her skin and dress. Her eyes were closed and she wasn't responding.
”Don't worry princess, she just fainted.” Jack reassured me but I can't get myself to calm down until someone checks on her.
”Medic!” I looked around and called for a medic. ”Is any medic free to look at the princess?!”
”I can check on her your highness.” AI female medic came running towards us with her bag. ”Please lay her down on the stretcher over there.”
Jack carefully laid Satiana down on the stretcher where there is cover from the rain. The female medic checked her up instantly. My heart was beating faster and faster because of anxiety.
”Don't worry Alicia, I am sure everything will be fine.” William was beside me and comforting me.
”I pray that is the case.” I whispered. ”If something bad happens to her, I think I can't forgive myself.”
I was starting to shiver with the cold wind. My dress was soaking wet from the rain and to double it, the wind is blowing even colder.
'How I wish Leon was here.' My mind thought of him and my heart was yearning for his warm embrace. 'If he was here, I would have been more at ease. He would know what to do.'
To my surprise a blanket covered me out of nowhere. When I looked back, William was tucking me in the huge thick blanket. I didn't realize when or where he got the blanket because I was preoccupied with my thoughts.
”You might catch a cold.” William said with a gentle tone. His voice gave me comfort from my anxiety right now.
”Thank you.” I tried to smile at him.
”Your highness, princess Satiana inhaled some smoke but it isn't an amount to be worried about.” The female medic said after diagnosis. ”She might have fainted due to shock. But overall, there is no major threat to her health. It would be best to take her home and let her rest. I will be prescribing some medicine for her.”
”Thank you.” I sighed in relief after the words of the medic. My heart became calm after the worry I was feeling.
And like my calm heart, the rain clouds quickly dispersed and a clear blue sky appeared. I looked up and pondered about the weather just now.
'Was that rain clouds my doing? Are my feelings affecting the weather?' I looked at my hands unconsciously. 'Do I have such strong magic to affect even the weather?'
I have so many questions and I hope that the answers are all in the books that I got from the hidden section of the library.
Remembering the books, I quickly searched for Jack and found him leaning on a lamp post. Looking around and being certain that Martha wasn't here I quickly paced towards Jack and pulled him towards a corner where no one was.
”Whoa easy there princess, my arms might get pulled off.” Jack joked.