Chapter 182 What Happened while I was Asleep? (1/2)
”I promise big sister Alicia, I will surely help you return to your one true love.” Satiana reached for my hands and clasped it tightly, making such promise.
”Then I will hold you to that promise.” I said to her and smiled.
”Hmm.” Satiana nodded with resolve.
If Satiana was like me a forgotten princess of this country, then I also want to help her as much as I can. I feel a connection between us.
”Tell me Sati, do you have magic powers as well?” I was rather curious about Satiana's magical abilities.
Even if Satiana doesn't have the Atlantian Royal Family's distinct looks, royal blood still flows in her veins because she is my aunt's daughter.
”Well, I have magical abilities. But it isn't something that grand.” Satiana answered shyly. ”It isn't something to boast about, unlike big brother's abilities.”
”It's okay, you can tell me.” I encourage her.
”Well, I have earth affinity. I can grow different kinds of plants.” Satiana replied. ”All that you can see here inside the greenhouse is what I have grown. I am still working on plants that can survive the cold harsh weather of Jennova. The snow lilies outside is one of my successful creations.”
I was rather impressed with Satiana's magic abilities. If she can work on it even more maybe this snow covered land will be filled with green plants that can help the common people.
”Your magic ability is amazing.” I cheered. ”If you work hard, then you can help the country of Jennova in the future.”
”R-Really?” Satiana looked at me with hopeful eyes.
I nodded. ”Your magic abilities may not be that big but it can be beneficial for your country. Think about creating crops that can withstand the cold weather, then the people won't starve and they can also use it as livelihood.” I explained.
Satiana's eyes went wide with amazement. I have given her something to work hard for. I am sure that she will be an asset to this country in the future.
I was able to chat with Satiana in the greenhouse happily. She also gave me a short tour of the palace grounds. She promised to give me a tour of the interior of the palace tomorrow.
Before retreating for the night, I gave Jack a secret message to sneak into my room when the maids and servants are asleep. And so, now in the middle of the night I am still wide wake, waiting for Jack to arrive.
The wind was blowing hard outside and snow was falling. The temperature at night was freezing cold. I am sitting by the fire place to keep warm when I heard someone tap on the window.
I slowly approached the window and saw a shivering Jack outside. I hurriedly opened it to let him inside.
”How did you manage to climb up from the outside?” I was shocked.
My room is located at the third floor. And the floors here are considerably high. Not to mention the temperature outside is surely below zero.
”I…I't sss…neak in usss…ing the door.” Jack was chattering while shivering. ”M…many g…uards are sss…taioned near your door.”
I pitied Jack's current state. I took a thick comforter from the bed and wrapped it around Jack.
”Come here and sit right next to the fire.” I led him near the fire place.
”Aaahhh… so warm.” Jack stretched his hands near the fire.
”Tell me, how is Regaleon doing?” I asked Jack. ”Was he the one who sent you?” I was eager to know any news about my beloved. I have been sleeping for six months. Many things can happen in that span of time.
”Yes princess, his majesty was the one who sent me.” Jack replied. ”In these past six months a major event happened in Grandcrest and your lover boy is now king.”
”Regaleon is now king?” I was shocked by the news. ”Tell me more.”
And so Jack told me all the events that had happened when I was asleep. Such big things happened while I was not by his side. My heart ached just knowing the pain Regaleon must have been thru to fight against the faction against him who was his countrymen and his own brother.
What I was sad about more was I wasn't there to support him. I have promised myself to become strong and stand by his side. But now I am here miles away from him.
”The war is progressing slowly. Jennova is putting up a good fight but they are being pushed back by the forces of Grandcrest. What we are afraid about now is if Alvannia will be joining in on the fight.” Jack said.
”What is the news from my father?” I am still hopeful that my father will side with Grandcrest rather than with Jennova.