Chapter 149 Royal Familys Meeting 1 (1/2)
(Three days after Regaleon left)
It has been a few days since Regaleon left the capital for some business. As for me, I have been in my courtyard all this time contimplating the news about my mother being alive.
I am currently walking at the rose garden this morning, just after breakfast.
”Princess Alicia.” William said while escorting me in my walk. ”You have been sighing for many times now. If you have any problems, you know that you can confide with me.”
I look at William in a daze. He was looking at me with worry in his eyes. This made me snap out from my daze.
”I didn't realize that I have been sighing.” I smiled at him.
”Well you have been out of it this past few days.” William said. ”You know you can talk to me, Alicia.”
I look at William and contemplated. He has been a loyal friend to me and I know he won't ever betray my trust. I sighed heavily and looked at the light blue sky with white clouds passing by.
”Will, what if your mother was still alive?” I asked metaphorically. ”I mean, what if she didn't die of illness back then and she got better now. What will you do?” I looked at William seriously.
”My mother?” William was taken back by my question. He cupped his chin with his fingers and thought carefully. ”Well I guess, if my mother never died because of her illness and she got cured and all better now, then I will make every effort to make up for all the years she was never by our side.”
I looked at William who was wearing a smile on his face.
”I will take her to beautiful places that she wasn't able to go because she was sick. Me and my siblings will make sure to spend time with her. We will do many things as a family that we weren't able to do back then.” William answered. ”I have always wished my siblings have spent time with our mother while growing up.” There was some sadness in William's tone that had a pinch in my heart.
”William, I'm sorry.” I apologized. ”I let you remember something painful.” I regretted asking William about his deceased mother.
”It's okay, Alicia. The memory of my mother is a precious thing to me.” William smiled at me and I smiled back.
”Your highness.” I heard Theon's voice behind us. I turned back to see him bowing. ”His majesty the king asks for your presence in the throne room.”
”Okay, I undsrstand.” I replied. 'Why is father calling for me?' I thought.
I entered the throne room with William escorting me. As my personal knight, William is given authorization to accompany me in the presence of my king father.
”I greet king father.” I give my curtsy and William kneeled down in one knee as well.
”Rise my daughter and sir William.” My father announced.