Chapter 117 Paid to Kill (2/2)
”Boss, are you sure you want to kill her?” The skinny man asked. ”I mean, look how beautiful she is. I am sure she will sell at a high price if we sell her to those easterners. With her out of the continent, she is good as dead to the client who wants her dead.”
The boss looked my way and stroke his chin with a beard. ”You have a point there. Then take her alive, be careful to not injure her beautiful face. I would like to have a taste of her first before selling her.” He smiled wickedly.
That boss' stare disgusted me to the core. William shaked in anger after hearing what the boss just said.
”You will never lay a hand on her.” William roared in anger. ”Alicia, go.”
I nodded and do as I was told. I retreated and ran as fast as I could.
”No! Get her!” The boss yelled at his men.
William was there to defend my retreat. I can hear the skirmish of swords while I was running away. I resisted to look back, thinking that I need to find help and fast.
”Snow, lead the way towards any guard post.” I said.
Snow was running in front of me. 'Okay, just follow me.'
Snow led me thru the streets and alley ways. I look around, trying to find someone or anyone that can help us. But there was no one outside the streets.
”That's odd. Why is there no one out the streets?” I asked.
'This is not good.' Snow said.
”What is it Snow?” I asked.
'I can feel people's presence, but I am afraid that they are with those bad group of men.' Snow said.
She trotted into a stop and so I stopped as well. This part of the capital was quiet and dark, with only street lamps illuminating the path way.
I look around and feel my surroundings. I was feeling danger in every corner.
'I thought running this way would be the fastest. But it seems we fell into the enemy's trap.' Snow hissed. 'I am sorry, Alicia.'
'No Snow, it's not your fault.' I said to her telephatically. The one at fault here is the one who wants me dead.
I clenched my hand in anger.
”Now that you are not favored by father, you want me dead, stepmother?” I said. ”I won't let you have the satisfaction of my death.”
I grabbed the knife I have put inside my dress' pocket and made a defensive stance.
”You made us run after you missy.” The skinny man was panting. He and some other dozen men came out of hiding from the dark buildings around us. ”Too bad, this part of the capital is one of our dominion. Even if you shout for help, the people around here won't help you.”
I look around the buildings and see people peek from their windows. But they quickly close their windows and curtains in fear.
'Does this group inflict fear on these people?' I thought. 'If I get out of here, I need to open this up with grandpa. We need to put an end to this group.'
I looked around and make my plans on how to get out of this predicament alive.
'Snow, I will need your help.' I said to her.
'I am ready anytime, Alicia.' Snow said and hissed right at the men surrounding us.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.
”Don't think you can get me that easily, just because I am a girl.” I put up my hand holding the knife and make a defensive stance. I give the skinny man a smirk.