Chapter 66 His confession (1/2)

Before night fall the villagers that were disguised as bandits invited as to rest in their village for the night.

”We don't have much your highness but please feel free to eat as much as you want.” An elder woman said.

”Thank you very much.” I replied. ”I am not a picky eater so do not worry. Please join me.” I smiled. The food on the table can feed the entire village.

I look at the villagers around me. They are thin and frail looking. Food aha been scarce in this drought and my father hasn't done anything for his people.

”Oh no your highness, we do not dare.” The elderly woman said. But then a little girl came near me.

”Can I get a little?” The little girl asked.

”Of course you can, all of these are your food. Please feel free to eat with me.” I said. And then the little girl smiled widely that melted my heart. She sat down beside me and started to eat.

After a while the other children and villagers started to eat with me as well.

”The gold coins that I gave can feed them for the entire month.” Leon whispered from behind me.

”Oh my gosh, you gave me a fright.” I said. He just popped up from behind me.

”You still have to practice harder.” Leon chuckled. ”You didn't feel my presence?”

”It's not that, you just move stealthy that even I can't feel if you are coming.” I said.

”Sorry about that. I just got used to moving like this.” Leon said a little embarrassed. ”Are you done eating?”

”Yes.” I nodded.

”Come, walk with me.” Leon said looking very serious. I looked at him curiously but followed.

Leon offered me his hand and I took it. He pulled me up gently from my seat.

The night was still young and the stars were shining brightly with a half moon hanging on the night sky. We were walking in the woods and at the edge there was a clearing. We get out of the edge of the woods and saw a small lake. The lake was as clear as a mirror reflecting the night sky.

”Wow, it looks so beautiful.” I said.

”I just saw this a while ago. I know you would like it.” Leon said.

I looked at Leon who was smiling beside me. His face was looking a little forlorn.

”You didn't bring me here just to let me see this, have you?” I asked. ”Do you want to say anything to me?”

Leon gave me a sad smile and my heart clenched with it.

”I want to tell you something important.” Leon said. ”I think you have also known about this for a while now.”

I nodded. ”Is it about your shadow guards?” I asked. ”Yes, I have felt their presence these past two years. They are now very good in hiding like you.” I giggled.

”Then I need them to

practice much harder then.” Leon chuckled. Then he looked at me in the eyes. ”I am not the man I have once introduced myself. I have not been very honest to you about my true identity.”

I looked at him and smiled. ”I have a hunch about that for quite sometime now. But the past two years you have accompanied me, you have been good to me and that weighs more than your true identity.”