Chapter 24 Horseback riding 4 (1/2)
Leon looked at me with sad eyes.
”Don't worry about me. I have alway known that I was never welcomed here and accepted that.” I said sadly.
”Tell me Alicia, what are the things you want to do if you were given and opportunity to travel?” Leon asked me.
I looked at Leon confused why he asked that. He was waiting for my answer patiently.
”If ever I was given an opportunity to travel then I want to see the sea first. I want to see the vast water that stretches as far as the eye can see.” I said. ”Then I want to see the valleys and mountains. Maybe also see the snowy caps of Mt. Theses. I want to also visit farms and look at different kinds of animals.”
”Hmm that is such a long list.” Leon was nodding.
”That isn't even the half of it.” I said with a smiled. I look at him. ”I also want to meet different kinds of people. I want to learn many...”
I wasn't able to finish my sentence when I felt lips pressed on mine. Leon stole a quick kiss from me. I look at him with surprise and held my lips.
”You look so gullible when you are happy that I wasn't able to resist in stealing a kiss.” Leon smiled his bright smile.
I blushed embarrassed.
”Huh? Umm...I...uh.” I don't know what to say that I stuttered trying to form a sentence. ”Let's pick up the pace okay.” I awkwardly said.
I kick Margaret and she sprang forward.
”Wait, Alicia!” I heard Leon yell after me but I was running in front now.
Then I felt something not right. Margaret was acting strangely. Margaret was trashing on place.
”Margaret what is it?” I was starting to get nervous. I hold the reins tight just to balance but I can't calm Margaret down.