Chapter 117 Leaving Bellatorsilva 1 (1/2)
The universe that was known was divided in 6 sectors, each controlled by a unified government by one of the 6 main races that were granted an Artefact by the cultivator.
Sector Alpha was mainly populated by Florans and thus it became the Greenfinger's Council's territory.
Sector Beta was mainly populated by Humans and thus it became the UEG and Terrene Protectorate's territory.
Sector Gamma was mainly populated by Hylotls and thus it became the UHG (Universal Hylotl Government) and Letheia Corporation's territory.
Sector Delta was mainly populated by Avians and thus became the Holy Kluex Church's territory.
Sector Psi was mainly populated by Apexes and thus became the Miniknog's, Big Ape, territory.
Sector Omega was mainly populated by Glitches and thus became the Privy's Council's territory.
But the universe wasn't something that ended within the six sectors, it exist infinite galaxies and planets beyond these sectors.
Beyond the Center of the Universe, aka the six sectors, lies what was called by the people the New Frontier.
Travelling into the New Frontier was an extremely dangerous endeavor.
Because of high number of Spatial Distortions, and mysterious reasons, the use of FTL Warp Jump was naturally jammed around those places.
There was also unpredictable meteor belts that come and go in random intervals. The New Frontier is a crazy place that few dared to explore.
The job of exploration usually fell on Protector's shoulders.
Letheia Corporation payed a lot to the Elder Council inside the Terrene Protectorate to constantly send Protectors deeper and deeper into the New Frontier, searching for Vaults and other things that might interest them.
The number of Protectors that died out there was uncountable...
Sector Alpha, Gaia galaxy, Bellatorsilva forest planet, near Ceremonial Hunting Caverns...
Sound of fighting could be heard coming from the back of a large, beautiful mansion made primarily of wood and sturdy-looking flowers.
In that spacious backyard, two blurs, one green and the other blue, were constantly clashing against each other.
Using only their fists, they fought savagely, without rules, using everything on their disposability to defeat the other person.
Ultimately, the green person prevailed as it delivered a devastating blow right at the blue person's chest.
The blue person recovered his balance and stopped flying backward by the green one's blow.
”Not enough, John.” The green figure approached the blue figure and extended it hand, ”You think too much when fighting. Don't relay on your powers, some day you might have to fight without them.”
”Alright, alright. I'm trying don't you see?” John shook his head, making the few blades of grass on his black hair fall back on the ground, ”Can't you take a little easier with me, Peri?”
”No. You almost died in the Great Hunt because you weren't strong enough.” Peri instantly rejected John's proposal, ”You have almost made complete recovery after three days, but I won't let you leave this planet before you are able to at least land a few direct hits on me.”
”Argh...” John groaned as he felt his whole body in pain after being fighting with Peri for almost 2 hours without resting.
In fact, it wasn't fighting, it was a one-sided beating. John barely could almost land a few hits of Peri, while she completely defeat him everytime.
If he used his power, Bullet Time, he might be able to win, but this was a training session for John to learn how to properly fight without using powers.