Chapter 7 sIts huge...s 1 (1/2)

The Novakid are a race of interstellar gas-bag people. They have in their heads what scientists call ”Brands”, a dense metal symbol that is responsible for metabolizing fuel and producing a magnetic field, the membrane that defines the shape of the body, keeping their plasma from dispersing. Breaking the ”skin” results in plasma leaking/bleed-out, which if left untended leads to fuel depletion and inevitably death.

They have no known story since none of them were interested in keeping any sort of record. They often use clothes, weapons, and armor that resemble those that was used in the Wild West, and they behave like cowboys. Their being is so spread out and out of touch with the affairs of the universe that they are a rare sight.

(A/N: There is a more detailed description in the ”Races” auxiliary chapter)

Or at least they were supposed to be a rare a sight.

In front of John, there were two Novakids fiercely fighting against each other.

Both of them were wearing clothes that resemble those used at the Wild West. Long gaiters, leather vest, leather gun holsters, wool trousers, and denim shirts.

*Bang, bang, bang...*

The revolvers from both of them kept firing at each other and they only stop when it's time to reload. They are using physical bullets rather than the usual energy bullets.

They have been like that for more than 5 minutes.

The one that had a blue plasma and a cross symbol as his brand were slightly in disadvantage against the one with yellow plasma that had an omega brand.

From the intensity of their colors and light, John was able to deduct that both them were middle-aged, similar to a 30 years old human.

John was hiding behind a rock near the entrance of the tunnel. He was inside a huge dome, artificially made. There were Core Fragments everywhere and they were radiating a light strong enough to illuminate the whole dome that had about 50-meter radius.

There were wood pillars, rails, and minecarts all around the dome.


Another gunshot. The bullet just so happens to hit right beside John's rock.

He stayed hidden, waiting until they got tired or they run out of bullets.

*Bang, bang, bang, bang...*

John looked over and saw that the yellow Novakid was slowly pressuring the blue Novakid. It became a game of catch. The yellow one was pursuing the blue one that kept trying to hide and rest a little.

*Click, click...*

They were out of bullets. John looked over.

”Damn... Stop running and fight like a man” The yellow Novakid shouted.

”Why would I do that? You are a better shooter than me why risk my life and fight for something as useless as honor” The blue Novakid mocked.

”Fuck you. I'm going to-”


The gunshot echoed in the dome. The bullet hit the place right in the middle of the both Novakids.

The two looked at the source of the gunshot and they saw a young black haired human wearing what looked like a blue uniform. In his hands, a complete black pistol that was pointed straight at the yellow Novakid.

”Who are y-”

”I am the one who will ask questions” John interrupted the yellow Novakid.

