155 Formations (1/2)

Son of Chaos IvanDeSchreck 37140K 2022-07-24

”Oh...”, Serge responded disappointedly.

”Ha. Do you know how lucky you are to even have this opportunity?”, Irena asked.

That was something everyone had to agree to. It was hard to enter either an alliance or become a retainer of a high enough noble, and thus it was hard to gain such a skill. But to them, it basically fell from the sky and it was thanks to Ivan.

”Anyway, do you know what we will be doing in fighting class today?”, Irena changed the topic before Greg could say anything.

”No. Only what Mr. Martin told us yesterday.”, Greg shook his head, before explaining to Ivan, ”Yesterday he said that we are now finished with the basics and would start something different today. Of course, he also told us that although he said we have finished the basics, that wouldn't mean that we have already learned enough about basic combat skills.”

The last sentence was typical for Mr. Martin. He would always emphasize that for combat skills, one could never finish learning. And especially the basics. In his opinion, there was no end to training them. After all, they would be the foundation on which they would build their combat skills. And so he had ingrained into them the attitude of always training and improving their basic techniques. Before training any advanced technique, they would always first repeat the basic techniques required.

This resulted in them having a lower number of advanced techniques, but all of them were better mastered and could display higher power than those of students of other teachers. Something they had found out during their explorations in the training dungeon. Although the effect wasn't much, it still showed.

”It should be formation training.”, the always silent Serge threw in. Resulting in everyone looking at him questioningly. Although he didn't talk much, his input always had value and if there was one situation, where he would start talking, then it was to explain things.

”Didn't any of you read the school curriculum?”, he asked, seemingly surprised that they were unaware of it.

Everyone else looked at each other. Who would read the school curriculum? Although it was easily accessible there wasn't really a need. What use was there in knowing what would come next during class? Preparing in advance? If they did that, then what would be the use of the class? As such, the general attitude of the students was to just go with the flow.

”According to the curriculum, after basic training comes formation training, so what we will start with today, should be this.”, seeing their clueless looks, Serge started to explain, ”During the training dungeon they threw us into the cold water and let us experiment around with how to fight as a team. Now there should be a formal training on team formations and how to maximize the strength of a team.”

”Ah.”, Ivan was enlightened. ”Now that everyone has gotten stuck on the fifth floor of the training dungeon, it would be a good time to teach us something new, which should enable our team strength to increase.”

The others instantly understood what he meant. It truly was the best timing to start with a new topic. Everyone had gotten stuck and as such would be searching for a way to increase their strength. But it would be hard to increase the student's individual strength in a short time. Now that they had come to understand that their individual strength wasn't enough, it would be easy to motivate them to learn how to work together, while if they thought it before there would be many who wouldn't focus on it since they would think that individual strength would be more important.

For Ivan, this came at an even better timing. As Celine had told him, he had to learn to work better together with his pets and use them in combat, although he only had one. So what could be more useful than learning how to cooperate during combat? He was sure that the techniques they would learn in combat class could also be applied to combat with pets.

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*Maybe I should check out the offers in the alliance more?*, he thought. He now felt that there should be more available in it. Besides doing the required tasks, he didn't really have any contact with it, which might be a huge mistake. And even the tasks he had done, where mostly centered around pill refining or other easy tasks. He had only done them because it was required.

In the Alliance Shop, there were not only items for sale, but also teaching lessons. And over the time he had collected some CP, so it should be enough to attend a few. *Let's check it out after school*, he decided.

After a bit more chatting, it was time for class.

The first class was magic theory, which was thought by Mrs. Mertinez and as usual, she was extremely punctual with starting the class.

”Good morning everyone.”, she greeted them and waited for them to greet back, as had become their daily habit.

”Today we will start with studying formations.”, she then started class, ”I hope some of you have read the school curriculum and know that later on, you will be thaught about some formations in combat class.

So the first question we have to ask ourselves is, what are formations?”, she then looked questioningly at her students.