100 Family Skill (1/2)
The two women moved to the office and sat down on the comfortable chairs.
”Would you like some tea?”, Lara asked in a friendly tone, which calmed Irena down, who had feard that the talk would be very unpleasant.
”Sure.”, she accepted the offer and Lara poured her a cup from a teapot standing on her office table.
”How much did Ivan tell you about how our situation came to be?”, Lara then started the conversation.
”He told me about how you have met before his hard reset, but nothing concrete. He just said that you only met once.”
Lara nodded, she seemed to be satisfied with what he had told her. She wasn't willing to have everyone know the details of their meeting.
”Then I'm sure you can imagine why I wanted to meet you?”
”It should have to do with our Training Skill.”
”Correct. I'm not sure how much you know about dual Training Skills?”
”Nothing. Before I saw the skill, I didn't even know they existed.”
Lara was surprised when she heard that, ”You parents didn't talk to you about that?”
Now it was Irenas turn to be surprised, ”My parents?”
”So you didn't know. Your parents too train in a dual Training Skill, so I expected you to know about it.”
Irena wasn't surprised that the woman before her, had information about her parents because with her apparent wealth it would be easy for her to get some information, but to know their Training Skill did go above what a normal investigation could find out. And since even she didn't know, it should be a well-kept secret.
”How do you know that they train in a dual Training Skill?”, she asked suspiciously.
”Do you know why your ancestor rebelled?”, in response, she got a completely off-topic question.
”Well since you didn't even know about the skill your parents are training in, it is no surprise that you don't know about it because it is exactly this skill that is the reason.
Back then, the emperor decided to change the family skill, since it had too many drawbacks in his opinion, but his brother was much more conservative and he wanted to keep it. They argued about it and finally, your ancestor decided to leave the family, so that he would be able to keep the skill. But unlike normal families, it isn't that easy to leave the royal family in such a way, that one can keep the family skill. The only way is to rebel and create a situation where the family is split, which was what the two brothers decided on.”
This was the first time Irena heard about the reason for the rebellion of her ancestor. ”What do you mean with family skill? I haven't heard about it before.”
”It is a skill, that is set as the inheritance of the family and the reason why the big families can keep their status through the times. Everyone in the family can learn it with the permission of the family head, without the need for a skill book.”
Irena instantly understood the use of the family skill. After all, the biggest problem with high graded Training Skills was that they required skill books, that couldn't be replicated. So everyone in the family being able to learn them without a skill book would certainly increase the strength of the family's descendants.
”So that's how it is. Then how come I haven't heard about it?”
”Sorry, you would have to ask your parents about that.”, Lara too didn't know why her parents hadn't told her about it.