78 Main Family (1/2)
Soon the doorbell rang and Jenny went to open it.
”Uncle”, Lin greeted Carl first, before greeting the others. During this time her face kept it's cold look, without any reaction to whom she greeted. The only exception was Jenny where some warmth could be seen in her eyes, whenever she looked at her aunt.
”Well, now that you have greeted everyone, how about telling us about what you gave to Ivan.”, Jenny brought the focus of the conversation towards, what had interested her the most.
”If you don't want to make it public, you can just ignore your aunt.”, Carl said. He felt that it would be impolite to force her to talk about it, if she didn't want to.
”Don't worry, uncle. It's no problem to tell what is in the chest. To be honest I feel it is better to do it in person anyway. And everyone here is family, so it is ok.”, Lin reassured her uncle. She then turned towards Ivan.
”I guess you haven't opened the chest yet right?”
Ivan nodded.
”Good then let's start at the beginning. I'm sure that aunty has already guessed that it has something to do with the Tang main family. But most of you may not be aware of what it means to be a member of the main family.”, she now addressed everyone in the room. And she got many nods as confirmation to her guess.
”As you may know the Tang Family in this realm is only a branch of the real Tang Family, which is located in a higher realm.”
These talks about realms confused Ivan, he hadn't heard about it before, but the others didn't seem to be surprised, so he could only keep in his curiosity, while deciding to check it out later.
”As such there are a multitude of rules the members have to follow, and one of the most important ones is that we have to follow the prophecies.
Not everyone will get one, but it is said that the ones who have gotten one and didn't try to fulfill them didn't have a good end. As such whenever the family treasure emits a prophecy everyone tries to fulfill them to their best capacities.
And when I was born, I got a prophecy, which told me to give a chest filled with specific items to the one who managed to make me call out my pet during the alliance tournament, which would happen while I was sixteen.”
Jenny looked at her nice and then asked, ”So you entered the alliance because of this prophecy?”
Lin shook her head, ”No, I did enter this alliance because of grandpa. Besides in the prophecy there wasn't even specified, which alliance tournament it was.”
Jenny nodded relieved. She really hoped that her niece hadn't made such an important decision based only on some prophecy. As such the confirmation that she had chosen this alliance not because of a prophecy, but because of her grandfather, was a relief to her.
”So after Ivan forced you to use your bear during the tournament and you send him the chest,the prophecy is now fulfilled?”, Jenny asked.