62 Mushroom Farmer (1/2)
<< Congratulation you have gained the title Mushroom Farmer (F)
You have killed at least one mushroom
Increased probability for mushrooms to drop something.
This title was something any herbalist or adventurer would get sooner or later and it wasn't really worth anything so Ivan simply closed the prompt. He instead focused on the two halves of the mushroom.
Between them there was a small green stone in which a spark seemed to dance around.
”It can't be that I am so lucky, can it? ”, Ivan said to himself when he saw this stone.
But inspecting him showed that he really was so luck and got a Herb Space Rock from the first monster he had killed in this dungeon.
<< Herb Space Rock (Low Grade)
A mysterious type of rock that contains a space in it, that can be used to grow herbs in it.
At the same time he picked it up there was a quest update notification. He then took another look at the quest, he had gotten before entering the dungeon.
<< Quest: Entrance fare
To enter the Herb Garden you have to pay the Herbalist Guild.
Task: Collect 5 x Herb Space Rock (Low Grade)
or Collect 1 x Herb Space Rock (Middle Grade)
You have currently 1 Low Grade Herb Space Rock.
Well it wasn't like he could keep the Rock, but having found one so soon he could be hopeful to find some more. Maybe he would even be able to keep one.
”Good Job.”
After picking up he didn't forgot to praise Vlada since she was the one who did the work. As an answer the bat, that had once again shrunk, rubbed his cheek with its head.
”Come let's continue.”
With that the two of them continued on. Sometimes they met mushrooms, sometimes some of the grass tried to slash Ivan. But there was nothing dangerous until they came to a forest.
Ivan had read that the forests were one of the most dangerous terrain in this dungeon, since it was easy for monsters to hide and the amount of them was huge too. As such he was careful when entering. As preparation he already readied his flame shield which had worked excellent against all the plant monsters they had met until now.
Vlada too landed, because the branches of the trees would interfere with her flying.