57 Vlada (1/2)
By alternating this he was able to hang on for the entire five minutes. It was only in the last half minute that his mana ran out and he could only try alternating his hands to use his sword to defend.
Sadly he wasn't as proficient in using his sword with his left hand as he was with his right one, so his defense was much weaker and one wing strike went through nearly slicing of his arm.
Luckily for him he managed to twist his body and instead take the hit with his body.
Getting wounded wasn't that bad since as long as he had HP his wounds would heal quickly and if worst came to worst he could just use Reincarnation. Loosing a limb on the other hand was different. Not only would HP be useless since it wasn't able to regenerate lost limbs, Reincarnation too had problems with amputation. Even though the limb would reappear he had found out that he would loose his strength in it which reduced his stats. Surprisingly this only applied before his death. His guess was that it had something to do with his soul form and how the energy and info was stored in it.
So whenever he had a choice he would try to avoid amputation even at the cost of his life.
Now that he had slash in his belly which bled his stamina would reduce even faster. Luckily not much time was left and he was sure that he would be able to survive.
Nearly half a minute later the boss finally stopped attacking him and became still. Then a blue glow slowly emerged from its body. At the same time its body shrank until it once again was of his usual size. It's eyes to turned blue and it's fur went down giving it a much more harmless appearance than before even though the blue eyes looked a bit weird in combination with its smooth black fur.
Then Ivan felt a connection establish to it. It was very vague and only allowed him to feel it's existence and his vague position. At the same time he could feel that he would be able to give it simple instructions through this connection.
<< Congratulation you have tamed your first monster. You have gained the title Monster Tamer >>
<< Monster Tamer (D)
You have tamed one or more monsters.
+ 1 Inventory space (1 m³)
Before doing anything else he first got out a healing pill and swallowed it, following which he could see his wound slowly close. Only then did he read through the prompt.
* Great. The question is if this inventory space counts towards the base space or if it is an upgrade. *
He didn't spend much time contemplating about it and instead used inspect on the freshly tamed bat.
<< Vlada, Vampire Bat , Rank F >>
The skill didn't tell him much besides the name the race and the rank. Luckily a new icon had appeared on his interface which depicted a small monster.
After clicking on it the pet menu appeared, which listed all his slaves and showed how much space he had in his slave space. There was currently only one slave and that was the vampire bat before him, which used up one of his five spaces.
After selecting the icon of Vlada a new window opened which contained more details.
<< Vlada , Vampire Bat, Rank F