48 Aura (1/2)

Son of Chaos IvanDeSchreck 21990K 2022-07-24

”For stronger persons that can even be used to influence their foes but this requires a huge difference between them. Of course aura can be retracted as well but that requires training.”

”Oh, thank you for the explanation. Then what changed about my aura?”

”Your aura now contains killing intend which wasn't there before. And to be exact it is the kind of killing intend that is clear and pure and not of the baleful kind.”

When Ivan head this his first thought was that he should have had killing intend before since he had killed monsters before going into the wilderness but then he remembered what had happened after his first encounter with a Steelback Bear and how dungeon monsters hadn't count there. From that he guessed that they didn't count towards killing intent either.

That only left the second question, ”There are different kind of killing intent?”

”Of course. Nothing is simple in life and killing intent is no exception. It is heavily influenced by the feelings and goals one has while killing as well as how one kills. If one kills in order to get resources or defend oneself then the killing intend will be clear and pure, but if one kills just for fun or for the killing itself then it will become dark and baleful. Besides that there is the way one kills. If the kills are without deliberate torture then it will be clear and pure but if it is with then it will be dark and baleful.”

”So that means that I didn't torture my enemies while killing them?”, Ivan asked after remembering one of his fights where he had slowly killed a Bear by letting him bled out. To him that had seemed to be quite torturous.

”Generally yes.”, the waitress confirmed.

”Oh. Then how come I can't feel either my aura or that of my mentor.”, he asked. Making use of the opportunity that someone was willing to explain.

”I told you before that one can retract ones aura and most people will do that if they aren't fighting so they don't disturb anyone. Besides that if one hasn't trained any aura skills one can only feel auras if they are much stronger than yours.”

”You said that most people wouldn't retract their aura during fighting, why is that?”

”That's because ones aura is an important tool during fights. Not only can it be used to make the opponent feel pressure it can also be integrated into ones skills to increase their lethality. Of course all of that depends on the strength of both parties aura.”

He nodded deep in thoughts as he thought about what she had told him. He guessed using aura during a fight could lead to the opponent feeling more pressure or even get them to freeze up during an important moment.

Seeing that he didn't have any other questions the waitress returned her focus to her job.

”What would you like to drink, Sir?”

This time Ivan didn't want to drink coffee since even though it had tasted good it wasn't really his thing but since he had no clue as to what was available he could only ask.

”We have many different beverages available. You can check out or menu on the screen after you used you card or you can tell me your preferred taste and I will recommend something. Of course there is also the option of letting me surprise you. I'm sure I will be able to select something that is to your taste.”