17 First dungeon (1/2)

Son of Chaos IvanDeSchreck 22070K 2022-07-24

”All of you have the quest Clear the Caves?”, Van Bergen asked the group and everyone confirmed it except the girl who just mad a small nod. It seemed like he was used to this and he continued, ”This won't be a normal run, since I will be pulling you, so just follow behind me and make sure not to lag behind to far.”

After that he walked into the entrance with the group trailing behind. While walking he explained some things to Ivan.

”This is a low ranked dungeon, so it only has one floor, generally a dungeon has an amount of floors which correspond with the rank it has. At the end of each floor there is a mini boss, which will open the gateway to the next floor, while the last floor has the end boss, which has to be killed to gain the rewards for the dungeon. Bosses have generally much better drops than normal monster as well.”

While walking he casually waved his hands and some rats, and bats which had come to close fell down to the floor with their body split in half.

”If you finished the first run do the others give some rewards too?”

”Yes, but the first clear reward is always better. If you are the first to ever clear the dungeon the reward is even better.”

”How come there is nobody else here?”

”That's because dungeons exists in a separate space which will be there for only one group. For other groups there exist other copies of the dungeon.”

”Does anyone knows why it is like that?”

”Not for sure, but it has been speculated that dungeons are living beings which gain their energy from the creatures inside. So if some creature moves around in a dungeon, casts skills and fights they emit energy and this energy the dungeon can absorb. Of course the most energy should be gained if something dies inside the dungeon.”

”Then shouldn't dungeons be really dangerous?”

”They are, but at the same time the dungeon can't be to dangerous or nobody would enter it. And besides they should have different strength which manifests in their level.”

”Then wouldn't it be useful to make a level cap? Since truly strong people won't die in a dungeon.”

”First of all, people would usually not enter much weaker dungeons, since it is just not profitable, and second even the strong people will emit a lot of energy, since their attacks have much more power, even if they limit their strength. If you want to know more about it there are a few good books about dungeons.”

After walking and talking they had now entered a larger cave in the center of which there sat a large bat on a stone.

<< Leuren the Vampire Lvl. 30 >>

* So this is the boss, it doesn't look as special as I expected.*, Ivan thought when he saw the bat, which was just slightly larger than the ones they had met on the way here. Even his color was the same.