7 Room (1/2)
As soon as his vision came back Ivan found himself in a small room, which had just enough space for a simple bed and table with a chair. On one side there was a open door wich lead to a small bathroom, while on the other there was a closed one with a lock, which seemed to lead to a hallway, at least that was what Ivan guessed.
Since there was nothing interesting in the room he then went into the bathroom which only had a narrow shower, a toilet and a washbasin with a mirror.
As he looks into the mirror he sees his face for the first time. He had a lean face with a straight nose, thin lips and eyes which seemed to fit well with the rest. On top of his head there were short blond hair which was a bit messy. All in all he thought that he looked quite handsome, but still normal. He then looked down on his lean body which didn't seem to have no ounce of extra fat on it and only consisted of lean muscles.
”Wow, I'm really not bad looking”, he narcissistic praised himself. He then grabbed a comb lying around and combed his hair. After trying out different ways to style his hair he then looked satisfied and put down the comb.
After that he went back to the main room and lied down on the bed, which was surprisingly comfortable, wich he didn't expect, since it looked very simple.
Just after lying down there was a knock on his door and he hurriedly stood up to open the door.
”Great, you are here. So what do you think?”, Van Bergen asked while pushing him aside to enter the room and sitting down on the chair, behaving as if the room was his.
”Not bad, it doesn't seem to be any special and is even a bit small, but the bed is comfortable.”
His mentor laughed and told him, ”Don't worry, if you increase your rank the living space provided will go up in quality too. Remind me to show you where I am living so that you have something to motivate you.”
He then pulls out the packed where the phone came from and pulled out two bundle of clothes and a thin book. ”These are your uniforms, one for you to wear normally and one for combat. They are self-cleaning and repairing so as long as their durability isn't used up you can wear them without worries. And this is the rule book, so read it carefully so as to make no mistakes.”, he then throws one of the clothe bundle towards him. ”Here this is the normal uniform, so go change so that we can go to the library to get you your initial skills.”
Ivan hurriedly catches the bundle and goes into the bathroom to change. ”Pfff, we are all man here so do you really have to leave to change”, he hears his mentor mocking him but he ignores him and closes the door behind him.
He then opens the bundle and takes a good look at the uniform. It consists of a simple T-Shirt, trousers and army boots, as well as a leather jacket. All the parts were black with the the trouser having light blue stripes running from the top to the end of the legs on both sides. The jacket had the same stripes from the shoulder down the arms. * Not bad, it looks quite good.*
He then hurriedly stripped of his old clothes and the sight of the shower reminded him that he hadn't washed himself since he woke up.
”Mentor can I take a shower fast?”
”Of course, I would be ashamed if I brought a dirty and smelly brat around.”