Chapter 851 - Need To Thank The Most (1/2)
Leaving the lower-income part of Imperial, Yue Ling returned to De L'amour with Liu Shan, Liu Ye, and Jianan. The car parked behind the company, and the four individuals stepped out of the vehicle.
Yue Ling led the way from the parking lot and headed for the building entrance. Behind her was Liu Shan, then Liu Ye, and a nervous Jianan.
Jianan held tightly onto his older brother's hand and never let go.
His curious eyes glance at his surroundings, and he scoots closer to Liu Ye.
He has never left the lower-income area of Imperial but heard plenty of stories about the heart.
However, seeing it now, he can't help but feel afraid rather than nervous.
There were so many people and cars. All the buildings around were high and for his little body, he felt trapped.
Like he was lost in a maze.
His lips pressed tightly together, and he quietly tugged at the hem of Liu Ye's jacket.
”Brother, where are we going?”
Liu Ye knew his brother was afraid, but he didn't blame the boy. Anyone in his shoes would be frightened after following two strangers.
He looks at the back of Liu Shan's head then at Yue Ling. He pondered on how to answer his little brother before the words came to mind.
A very soft smile appears on his face as he looks down at Jianan.
”A safe place.”
Jianan was able to understand the meaning behind Liu Ye's words.
Every time their father came home drunk and beat them, Liu Ye would often use his body as a shield. He (Liu Ye) would always tell them that they will all make it one day, and he will bring them to a safe place.
Remembering all the pain he and his older siblings had been through, Jianan's eyes began to tear up. He has a father like every other child, but why is his father so mean?
He thought back to before Liu Ye and Lin Hui appeared.
His father had been gambling again and lost a lot of money. When he checked on his father, he overheard the man telling someone on the phone that they could take his sister to pay off the debt.
Unable to hold his feelings in any longer, he screamed at his father.
'Why are you doing this? Older brother already sacrificed himself. Why are you doing the same to Jie? We are your children. Why can't you love us like other fathers?'
Jianan's eyes slowly closed as he recalled those words he said. It were those words that made their father angry and tried to kill him.
However, despite being used to it, he made a run for it.
It was then that he ran into Liu ye.
He opened his eyes again, and the first thing he saw was the back figure of an angel.
A wave of relief he never knew existed washed inside him. It was as if something inside was telling him to trust this angel.
Feeling that someone was staring at her, Yue Ling's steps slowed down. She slightly turned to look behind, and her eyes met with the eyes of the little boy.
The corners of her mouth curl up ever so lightly, and she nods her head a little like she was greeting him.
She turns away and looks ahead as she continues toward De L'amour.
What she did not see was Jianan's cheeks flush a shade of red.
He steps closer to Liu Ye but doesn't forget to steal glances at Yue Ling.
As the four individuals entered the building, they were greeted by all the employees.
Ju Suo was the first to walk up to the group. She smiles at Liu Ye with an expression full of mixed emotions but maintained a smile.
”You did good, kid.”
She looks down at Jianan, and she sighs behind her smile.
”I'm Ju Suo. What is your name?”
Jianan stared with wide eyes at the petite Lolita woman in front of him. He was amazed by how much Ju Suo resembles a doll.
However, when asked for his name, he nervously bit his lower lip before answering.
”I'm Liu Jianan.”
Just as he introduced himself, a hand landed on his head. His head slightly tilted forward due to the strength, but quickly as fear rushed inside him, it disappeared.
The hand did not hit him but patted his head.
He looked up at the person and saw a man. However, this man didn't have a calm look like Liu Shan or Lin Hui but gave a cold feeling.
”Hey Qi Li, are you trying to scare the boy?”
From behind Qi Li was the sound of Lian Ni Shang. She pushes Qi Li aside and smiles down at the little boy.
”Hi, sweety. This man is Qi Li. He may appear scary, but he's actually a big teddy bear. I'm Lian Ni Shang and this is Shan Sinan.”
She gestures to Shan Sinan, standing beside her while he smiles as best as he can at Jianan.
Jianan was introduced to everyone making the nervous feeling inside him disappear without him aware.
Standing at the side, Yue Ling watched the way her subordinates handled the situation. She was relieved that everyone was able to welcome Jianan the same way they did with Liu Ye.
She glances over to Ju Suo and sends the petite woman a nod.
Ju Suo knew what her boss wanted and walked over to Yue Ling. She stood next to her and awaited instructions.
”Pick up Liu Ye's sister from school. Make sure their father doesn't approach her.”
Yue Ling's last word fell, and she turned away. She walks toward the elevator to her office.
From behind, Jianan sees her entering the elevator. He tugs on Liu Shan's sleeve and whispers to the man.
”Where is the angel going?”