Chapter 836 - The people in this room (1/2)
Entering the conference room, a long white table sat in the center. It was precisely as Wang Zhan had said. All the board members had already arrived.
Yue Ling did not make eye contact with anyone. She walked with her head high that showed she is the CEO and no one can belittle her.
Her entire being immitted the aura of a general ready for battle.
She stops in front of the main seat that remained vacant. She finally looks at the faces of each individual and chuckles inside.
There is a total of 15 board members. However, two were currently missing at the table. One is Tang Xu, who has yet to arrive, and the other is Wang Zhan, who had now entered the room.
However, what made her chuckle inside was the scene in front of her.
Out of the fourteen people present, eight people were standing while the other people were already seated.
”CEO Han, we have been awaiting your arrival.”
”CEO Han, I hope there was no trouble on your way here.”
Two board members from the standing group quickly greet Yue Ling with smiles.
Yue Ling nods her head in a polite gesture and takes a seat.
”Please have a seat. I have long waited for this meeting, so there was no trouble getting here.”
However, unlike this group, the board members, who were already seated, either rolled their eyes displeasingly or arrogantly snorted.
From their point of view, the eight board members were only trying to get on Yue Ling's good side since she is the CEO. As for them, they will never allow a woman like Yue Ling to be their superior.
”Since Miss Han is finally here, how about we get this meeting done. I'm a busy person, and I have another meeting with an important client of An Qing.”
A woman in her fifties spat out without any care. She wore a black dress suit with short curly hair. She wanted this meeting to end since she saw no purpose in it.
Chen Limei had recently been remove from the CEO position, and now Yue Ling is trying to claim the seat. There is no possible way to vote for someone as incompetent as Yue Ling to lead An Qing.
”I agree. Let's get this meeting over. I have more important things to do than sit here.”
A man in a purple suit also voices his opinion as he is the same man who saw Yue Ling on the first floor. Quickly after him, more people voice their opinions.
Wang Zhan sat down on the chair on Yue Ling's right. He held a calm expression but deep inside, he was screaming with joy.
He knew that half of the board members approved Yue Ling as An Qing's CEO, while the other half, including him, was against it.
”As the board of directors, are you all not ashamed of your childish behaviors?”
An elderly man in a navy chang pao couldn't help but intervene. He sat at the end of the long table, but his voice was loud and clear.
He fixes the round glasses he was wearing and stares with eyes that could see through a person.
”CEO Han may be young, but she is still your superior in An Qing.”
”Hmmf. How can we be ashamed? We are the board of directors. Everything we say here is the top priority.”
A middle-aged man dressed in a black suit snorted his words with eyes viciously glaring at the elderly man.
He leans back on his chair and folds his arms over his c.h.e.s.t before averting his glare at Yue Ling.
”Even when Chen Limei was here, she knew her place.”
The elderly man was bewildered by the man's horrible words. His lower lips tremble profusely like the words the man said had been directed at him and not at Yue Ling.
Yue Ling remained calm and composed the entire time. She couldn't help but look at the elderly man.
He was the first person to greet her when she entered the room. He was also one of the eight people who did not sit down until she did.
When she saw that he was planning to argue with the middle-aged man, her eyes leisurely flutter, and she shook her head ever so lightly.
”It seems today's meeting has taken too much of everyone's time.”
Her angelic voice was soft and subtle but loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. It made those who opposed her feel a chill run down their spine.
”However, I would like to remind everyone sitting at this table to be apprehensive regarding today's meeting.”
A smile appears on her face, and she gestures a signal.
”Since today is our first official meeting as CEO and board members, I would like to discuss some changes regarding An Qing.”
Seeing the signal, Jiang Shengyi was quick on her feet to move. She walks away from Yue Ling's side and places a thick file folder in front of each individual seated at the table.
”In front of you are the records of An Qing that will change starting now.”