Chapter 824 - Exists only for you (1/2)
Lu Tian finished the breakfast his wife prepared and changed into comfortable clothes fit for a morning run.
He wore a plain white shirt with a light grey hoodie and black joggers. After putting his running shoes on, he smooths his uh fixed hair back and covers it with a black beanie.
At first, he couldn't confirm which path his wife took, but seeing that the back door is unlocked, he believes she took the trail near the back patio.
However, instead of following her steps, he leaves out the front door.
He takes the path opposite from her as it circles to the back. He concludes that his wife will not take the way she took and continue towards the island's front.
She is a person who enjoys excellent sceneries, so without a doubt, she will take her time before they leave.
Through the path trees surround on either side, Lu Tian jogged with ease as the trees partially block the sun from him. The path he took starts from the right of the villa and goes down to the ocean. It then loops around the front of the island before joining the path in the back.
After jogging a few miles, he slows down his pace to walk. His breathing was rapid, but his entire person was calm.
He turns his head to the ocean at his side then scans his surrounding with a frown.
”Was my calculation wrong?”
He had already jogged three miles into the path, and never once did he see his wife.
”Did we miss each other by chance?”
No, they couldn't have.
He tells himself and picks up his pace. He continues to jog in the direction of the back. However, like before, he was still unable to spot his wife's silhouette.
His heart that was beating loudly beats louder, and an unexplainable feeling rises inside Lu Tian. He no longer jogged in pace but ran like his life depended on it.
Everything was too quiet.
What if something happened to his wife? Why didn't he take the path she took? Why is he such an idiot for making a stupid decision?
Question after question storm inside his head as he reaches the back of the island.
His eyes search quickly but carefully, and still unable to find his wife, he curses inside. He had already reached the path he was supposed to take, but why can't he see her.
He also made sure to check his surrounding for anything amiss.
Confused and worried, he continues on the same path. However, he stops halfway.
What if his wife returned to the villa the same time he left?
Knowing the path would take longer to reach the back of the villa, he decides to cut through the trees for a shortcut.
Just as he was about to turn for the trees, he spots a familiar silhouette in the distance.
Yue Ling was sitting on a small rock that settled between two larger rocks. If one did not look carefully, they would miss her.
At the sight of her, Lu Tian's legs turned weak, and he loses balance.
However, he was quick to steady his posture and escaped falling. If he had, he would have looked like a weak idiot.
Anyone who saw him this way must have thought it was from all the running he did, but that wasn't it. His legs turned weak from relief.
”She didn't leave me.”
He exhales deeply and turns away from the direction he was about to go. Just as he took one step, he sees Yue Ling suddenly stand up from where she was sitting.
His steps froze in place, and he decides to wait for her. He figured that she would finish her walk by taking the path he is standing from the opposite side since she walked from the opposite side.
However, to his surprise, Yue Ling reaches for her sandals and headed in the direction away from him.
” ...”
Lu Tian was at a complete loss by this. Is something wrong with him? Why are all the decisions he makes bad?
He stares at his wife's departing figure for a split second, then gives chase. He thought about running after her but watching her figure from behind, he couldn't bring himself to do so.
She looked free and away from the world as the waves touch her bare feet like an immortal taking a morning stroll in the mundane world.
His steps were slow, but he efficiently decreases the distance between them. His line of sight never left her as the waves coming in played like music in the background.
He unknowingly glances down and sees her footprints. A smile curls on his face, and he softens with a sigh.
For some reason, he has been reminded of so many things that happened between them.
Like this moment, he couldn't help but think back to the day he walked with her at the beach in City Z. The beach she told him about her 'curse.'
And like that day, he is also following behind in her footprints now.
Each time the waves come onto the shore and wash away her small footprints in the sand. However, when the waves return to the ocean, his more extensive footprints cover her steps.
He walks calmly behind her and engraves this moment in his heart and mind.