Chapter 737 Quite a week (1/2)

The days pass with no trouble and before anyone knew it, it was already the evening before the weekend. Some in Imperial had already gone home to relax, while others were just not preparing to leave work.


Inside Yue Ling's office, she exhales deeply and leans back on her chair. She tilts her head back before her eyes gradually close as she takes a rest.

Ever since the collaboration with Cloth Co., her days were super busy. Not because of the work that goes on in her company, but because Madam Lu paid a visit every day.

She didn't mind the middle-aged visiting, but the hard part was having to work with someone constantly over your shoulder. It was a situation she has never been in before and didn't want to hurt Madam Lu's feelings by telling the woman to leave.

Luckily, Lu Tian found out and took the liberty to ban his mother from De L'amour. He told her (Madam Lu) she cannot go to De L'amour for unnecessary measures. If she does, Yue Ling and he are going to move to another country after the wedding.

”Seems like you had quite a week.”

To her thoughts, Liu Shan enters the room without knocking. He doesn't care if his sudden appearance interrupts her and walks over to sit on the couch facing her.

Seeing how she did not react to his intrusion, he slightly arch both his eyebrows.

”Was it that bad?”

He had been busy all week checking the new drafts for their designs and working between De L'amour and An Qing that he wasn't around much. He had only heard from the other workers about Madam Lu's visit but didn't think it was that bad.

However, judging from her appearance now, he can't help but wonder what happened.

Yue Ling had long heard his entrance into the room. She doesn't tilt her head forward to look at him but slowly opens her eyes. She stares up the white ceiling then down to him.

Like she was thinking hard about his question, she exhales again. However, only to close her eyes again.

”Worse than yeye.”

Liu Shan arches his eyebrows more as his eyes widen along. His expression held amusement as he stares at her then he slightly nods his head a few times.

”Really? Worse than your old man… How so?”

Despite his curious question, Yue Ling could hear the humor in his tone. She takes another deep breath and opens her eyes.

She tilts her head forward and straightens up in her chair. Seeing the visible smile smeared on Liu Shan's face, she scoffs a chuckle and massage her forehead.

”Every three hours.”

Liu Shan gasp with widening eyes at her answer. It was as if he was hearing the most horrifying thing in his entire life. He slightly leans forward and stares at her like he heard wrong.

”Like, exactly at three hours?”

Even though no name was mentioned, Yue Ling knew exactly who he was referring to. She doesn't answer with words but nods her head and leans back in the chair.

After Lu Tian's warning words of moving out of the country, Madam Lu was scared because Lu Tian is the type to stick to his words. So, afraid of not seeing Yue Ling anymore, she ceased her visits.

However, despite her not visiting every day anymore, she changed her tactics to phone calls.

At first, it was every hour, but then not wanting anger Lu Tian, she changed it to three hours.

And by three hours, it was exactly at three hours without calling too early or too late from the previous phone call.