Chapter 714 Never told them (1/2)

Yue Ling's head was tilted back as she stares silently into the night sky. When she heard his voice, her eyes shifts to look at him, and smiles.

”It was too bright over there.”

Lu Tian looks back at the house. The light inside and outside were both on and illuminated a bright light. It was indeed too bright for stargazing.

His attention returns to his wife and he unfolds the blanket in his hand. Placing it over her shoulders, he sits down on the right side of her.

”It's getting cold, wear this to keep you warm.”

He made sure the blanket covered every inch of her body leaving only her head in view. He then places his left around her shoulder to give more warmth to her.

Feeling the warmth from his arm, Yue Ling's entire being softens. Every time she is in his arms, she always felt a sense of safety.

She looks up at the sky and a faint smile gradually grew on her lip.

”Tian, have you ever counted the stars?”

Hearing her question, Lu Tian looks up at the sky with her. He had watched the night sky before, but never did he think to count the stars.

”I haven't.”

Yue Ling sighs a smile at his response. She continues to star up the sky like she was admiring its breath-taking view. However, if one were to look closely, it looked more like she was trying to search for something that was beyond her grasp.

”I used to make my subordinates stay with me to watch the stars. Sometimes it would be until sunrise. They would make fun of this habit and run away every time I drank too much.”

The smile on her face slowly disappears and her words continue.

”They said it was meaningless because no one can count all the stars because one would lose track counting.”

Memories of the past played in her mind of the times she would force her subordinates to count the stars with her. She knew they didn't want to as it made them tired. It was like counting sheep until one fall asleep.

”But I never told them the reason why I did this.”

Lu Tian lowers his head to look at her. Unlike her childlike behavior from earlier, she looked more like her usual self. However, he knew that she was still under the influence of alcohol.

He tried to read her thoughts, but unable to figure her out, he asks.

”Will you tell me the reason?”

Yue Ling glances at him without moving her head away from the sky. She looks back at the sky and a trace of sorrow painted inside her eyes.

”When I was a child, my parents would take me to watch the night sky. If the nights weren't too cold, we would stay until sunrise and watch as the stars disappear to welcome the sun.”

She scans the many glistening stars until she found the brightest one.

”My parents would often work late or go on business meetings, so when they were too busy, my father would tell me to count the stars before I go to sleep.”