Chapter 707 Warning you now (1/2)

Under the clear night sky, Tao Meng and his men came face to face with the large group. Each person looked like your ordinary company worker and didn't seem to know one another.

It was like they were out enjoying a late-night snack and some drinks after a long day at work.

Which was exactly what Tao Meng and his men had thought when they arrived.

They had thought that it was only Tang Zhonghui, Gui Tian Lan, and Gui Zhongmin. Never did they expect the three men had other friends here and to make matters more difficult, it was everyone here.

Looking away from the three men, his eyes scan across each person that was now standing up. His brows slightly furrow together as he couldn't help but feel something was amiss about this sudden change of events.

Quickly brushing this feeling aside, he looks past the crowd until he saw Yue Ling.

He sighs inside in relief when he saw that she was sitting down. This meant she doesn't know these people. However, due to the many people standing up, his view of Liu Shan was blocked.

If he had seen the assistant's face, he would have screamed in fear and wish so badly that he had never come here. As Liu Shan is the only person here, he would be able to recognize right away as a member of Fate.

He looks back at Tang Zhonghui, Gui Tian Lan, and Gui Zhongmin. He had wanted to put on a good impression in front of Yue Ling, but since things have come to this, he'll have to come up with another plan.

His eyes scan each of the three men and seeing how confident they looked, he scoffs a sarcastic chuckle. He slightly raises his chin and gives them an intimidating look.

”Even if we are outnumbered here, the lot of you don't scare us.”

He tilts his head to the side and an arrogant look appears on his face.

”We, from Red Moon never run from a fight.”

His words fell in a nonchalantly but there was a tint of minacious behind it. He reaches inside his jacket pocket to take out a cigarette.


However, instead of a cigarette, he reveals the pistol he was keeping inside his pocket.

His movement was like it was done unintentionally, but everyone else knew he had done it on purpose. He wanted everyone to see that he had a gun and wasn't afraid to shoot anyone.

He puts it back in his pocket and this time, he retrieves a cigarette.

”Unless you guys back off. If you do, I'll pretend this never happened and let you all live.”

Putting the cigarette in his mouth, he lights the end and inhales a mouthful of tobacco. As he exhales a slow puff of smoke, he blows it straight at the three men.

”What do you say?”

”You should ask your men that question.”

A response sounded but the voice did not come from the three men. Tao Meng slightly frowns then turns his head to the left and arch a brow in amusement.

A man walks up to stand with Tang Zhonghui, Gui Tian Lan, and Gui Zhongmin. He was clothed in all black and despite him wearing a dress shirt, he still wore a black turtleneck underneath.

The prescribed glasses that balance above his nose made him look like the perfect example of a company worker while the other three men resembled fashion enthusiasts.

His facial expression was cold and full of indifference but could be on pair with a model.

As Qi Li stood in front of his three comrades, Tao Meng stares wordlessly as he sizes the new man. He exhales another cloud of smoke and chuckles in ridicule.

”Four eyes, you have guts. However, my men don't need to be questioned.”

His (Tao Meng) scans the four men then at everyone else. He and his men are indeed outnumbered, but was he scared? No.

Compare to these weak company workers, his men are more terrifying and can intimidate anyone. One punch is all it takes to knock this group out.