Chapter 672 Impressed with you all (1/2)
Although the heater inside An Qing was turned on, the temperature inside the conference room seemed to have dropped drastically.
Guo Rong, Xu Zhengyi, Tang Yimou, Yang Chao, and Liu Xiaoqing sat in their seats with a chill like they were stranded in the middle of a freezing blizzard. However, at the same time, it was like they were standing near a burning volcano that caused their bodies to sweat uncontrollably.
No one dares to look at the younger woman sitting at the main seat as their head lower and they could only stare at the table. Each person looked like they were at the police station and were currently being questioned on their crimes.
Compare to them, Yue Ling was as calm and collect as ever. It was as if she was not sitting in a conference room but was at home and enjoying her day off work.
Her bluish-green eyes swept across each individual until she stops at Guo Rong. A faint smile appears on her face and she softly chuckles.
”I have to admit, I am quite impressed with you all.”
Hearing her sudden words, a small wave of relief wash over the six people. The tense air that lingered around them began to disperse and their stiffed shoulders relaxed a little.
However, that feeling didn't last for long when Yue Ling's angelic voice sounds again.
”Impressed how you all have breached the contract you signed.”
She kept a very subtle smile and lifts her right hand. Gesturing a small signal to her three subordinates standing behind her, she didn't need to voice her instruction as they knew what to do.
Liu Shan picks up three black folders on the table and walks towards the individuals on his side. He places one folder in front of Liu Xiaoqing then does the same to Xu Zhengyi and Tang Yimou.
On the opposite side of him, Lian Ni Shang's movements were no different. She started with Guo Rong then Yang Chao and ended at Ge You.
The assistant and subordinate then return to stand behind Yue Ling with a cold gaze staring at each person.
Seeing the confused look on everyone's faces, Yue Ling chuckles a smile. She leans back on her chair and crosses her arms over her chest.
”The folder in front of you is the proof of your failure to perform and cross the line of your part of the contract.”
Hearing these words from her, all six people were struck speechless as their body froze again like the Pokémon Articuno had flown inside the room and launches an attack on them. One by one, their trembling hands reach for the folder and slowly opens it.
Inside the was not only the contract they sighed when they first joined An Qing, but there were also other details of what they had been doing. From what they failed to do to how they abused their power. There were even photos of them taken from either up-close or at a distance.
Xu Zhengyi was the first out of the six to regain his consciousness again. He is a 46-year-old man with slightly gray streaks of hair that can be seen on his head. He and frantically flips through each page inside his folder like he could not believe what he was reading.
”This is insane! Everything in here is a lie!”
He slams his fist on the table causing a loud bang and lifts his hand to point at Yue Ling. His entire being trembles with rage and he glares at her.