Chapter 609 Pot of gold (1/2)
Dinner was set on the table as Yue Ling and Lu Tian were joined by Liu Shan, Lin Hui and Nie Chen. The couple had prepared a large dinner due to the number of guests they have.
On one side of the table were the plates of food Yue Ling prepared. Fried tofu with stir-fry vegetables, fried mashi, steamed dumplings and congee. On the other side were Lu Tian's dishes, stir-fry noodles and eggplant with garlic sauce.
”Eat as much as you want.”
Yue Ling's voice sound in a cheerful tone. She scoops up a spoonful of the warm congee into each person's bowl then herself. When she finished, she picks up her chopsticks and grab a piece of each dish for Lu Tian then some for herself.
However, just when she was about to take a bite on a piece of fried tofu, her brows slightly furrow, and she looks up at the three men sitting across from her and Lu Tian.
”What is it? I thought you three were hungry, why aren't any of you eating?”
None of them had picked up their chopsticks or move their hands.
She looks at each person one by one then back to the first person. Setting her chopsticks down, she leans back on the chair.
Liu Shan sat right across from Yue Ling. He didn't dare to lift his head to look at her. His eyes remain on the many food on the table, but he would often glance to his left to look at the other two men.
However, each time his eyes met Lin Hui and Nie Chen's eyes, both men were giving him a look as if telling him to answer their boss's question in their stead too.
Left with no other choice, Liu Shan could only cry on the inside like a winner. Even if he wanted to cry on the outside, he can't find it in him to shed any tears.
”Boss, it's not that we aren't hungry and that the food you spent so hard to cook is not appealing. Its…”
He swallow his saliva with great difficulty and glance at each dish on the table again.
”Well, the thing is…”
His lips purse out and he looks up at Yue Ling. Lifting his left hand, he points at the food.
”Are you monk? There's no meat.”
Yue Ling was struck flabbergasted by his sense of humor. She rolls her eyes at him and points with one hand to the steamed dumplings.
”There is enough meat in here to fill up your stomach.”
Picking up her chopsticks again, she starts to eat.
”If you don't want to be a 'monk' with Tian and I, you three can eat the delicious meal Nie Chen made. There's still plenty in the pot.”
Lu Tian hadn't even taken a bite of the food. A smile curl on his face as he was too busy observing his wife's sudden motherly demeanor. She looked like a mother who was teaching her three children not to be picky when it comes to eating.
Just as he thought this, he was quickly dumbfounded. He looks away from his wife and turn to look at the three men sitting across the table.
His face scrunch in disbelief as he could not believe that he actually imagine Liu Shan, Lin Hui and Nie Chen as their children in his head.
Quickly shaking the crazy and hilarious thought away, he picks up his chopsticks and distracts himself with the food.
Unaware of the man's extremely enthusiastic thought, the three men stare in utter disbelief at the only woman sitting at the table.
In one smooth motion, all three men stares down at the 'monk' food on the table then to the pot of death on the stove.
Liu Shan and Lin Hui didn't need to think twice and grab their chopsticks.
Liu Shan: ”What meat? Unlike Nie Chen's pot of death, these vegetables are healthier for my body.”
Lin Hui: ”I'm already a monk. I don't need to always eat meat.”