Chapter 591 You still los (1/2)

Entering the garage that house all of Yue Ling's auto babies, the sensor lights automatically turns on and illuminates a bright light inside the place.

All her vehicles parked nicely in neat rows. However, before going over to them, she walks towards one of the walls that had multiple rows of shelves.

She picks up a black backpack and puts it on before picking up a black full-face helmet that had a matte finishing touch.

Holding the helmet in one arm, she turns back to look at the other three men. Her other hand slightly raise in gesture to the shelves now behind her.

”Grab a backpack and pick whichever one you want.”

Not needing to be told a second time, Lin Hui clasps his palms together and rubs them together as he snickers like an evil mastermind. He stares at the many rows of motorcycle helmets like a greedy old man who had finally found gold.

”Don't mind if I do.”

He picks up a backpack then a red and black helmet. Seconds after him, Liu Shan did the same, but his helmet of choice was white.

Unlike the two men, Nie Chen thought hard about which helmet he wanted as it needed to look good with his outfit. After a long minute, he comes to a decision and grabs a white helmet with a few touches of pink.

Yue Ling stood next to a black Ninja H2R and place the helmet over her head. She swings her right leg over the motorcycle and sits down on the seat.

At the same time, the other three men did not hesitate to do the same. Liu Shan sits on a white Ninja H2R as Lin Hui and Nie Chen decides on the Suzuki Hayabusa, but one in red and the other white.

Like a practiced scene, the four motorcycles start up and the headlights turn on. The loud sound of engines revving echoes inside as the garage door opens and one by one, they ride out under the starry night sky.

Yue Ling: ”See you boys at the target location.”

Liu Shan: ”Don't cry when you guys lose to this great one.”

Lin Hui: ”Hah! Keep dreaming!”

Nie Chen: ”Just like old times.”

The night sky continued to clear of any clouds and glistens over Imperial with stars. Underneath the sky, on the street of Imperial, four motorcycles rev in motion.

Quickly as the race started, it soon came to end as they reach their destination. In a neat order, all four motorcycles enters an empty 3-story parking lot that is still under construction.

The engines shuts off with the headlights. It was dark, but with the moon shining down to them, it gave enough light for them to see where to step.

Each person removes their helmet and gets down from the motorcycle.

”I didn't win, but I still got here second.”

Lin Hui spoke as he place his helmet on the seat part of his motorcycle. His chest stuck out like a mighty man. He thought he was going to arrive first, but he had forgotten that he was racing Yue Ling.

Although he and Qi Li are the only two in the team who prefers to ride motorcycles, neither can beat Yue Ling. That is because, she is the person who taught them the tricks to be a good driver.

He turns his head to the left and looks at his boss. A faint smile curls on his lip as he thought about the short race. Even though she had not driven a motorcycle in a while, she is still as badass as ever.