Chapter 542 become his woman (1/2)
Ling Ni smiles up at the sky. She knows that a part of Liu Shan does not want to listen to her story, but she wanted to him to know. Their short time together made her trust him enough to tell him about her life behind closed doors.
”A lot of people see me as the spoilt daughter of the Ling family, but this is not exactly true. Like every human, I also have a story of my own.”
Her words fell and her smile disappears.
”The man you saw that day, his name is Tao Meng. If I were to describe him, I would say he is like my savior.”
She had always lived a good life with her parents. Anything she wanted, they would do everything they could to give it to her.
Others see and think of her as a spoilt princess, but she was never like that. The things she asked for were always reasonable. She never asked for new clothes, shoes, jewelries or any fancy things other daughters ask for.
What she would ask was for a good education. That way, when the time came, she would know what to do when she takes over her father's company.
However, everything changed on the day of her fourteenth birthday.
She had just returned home from school and was excited to celebrate her birthday with her parents, but that was the day she learned about an underground gang called Red Moon.
Her father had been scammed by the leader of Red Moon and was tricked into handing all his fortune to them. They told him that they will help better his company, but it was all a lie to make him fall into debt.
When they saw her walk through the door, they propose a deal with her father. If he sells her to them, they will support his company in the dark as promised. They even said they would clear him of his debt and pretended none of this ever happened.
If he doesn't accept the deal, they will fabricate her father with fraud and use of illegal drugs. They will also make sure that the Ling family perish from the world.
Even when he was terrified out of his wits and was beaten near death, he didn't give in to their words. He was a good man and would rather die than sell his own daughter.
However, in the end, it was her who gave in.
She was a scared little girl who had just became a teenager. All she could think about was saving her parents and the company her father had worked so hard on.
When the people of Red Moon took her away, she knew her happy days were over and she will never see her parents again, but if it meant saving them, she didn't care.
That same day on her birthday, she entered Red Moon. She was supposed to fill their needs in bed, but that was when the 14 years old her met the 22 years old Tao Meng.
At the time, he was not yet the leader of Red Moon, but as the nephew and next line to be the leader, everyone had to give way to him.
She said he is like her savior because it was him who took pity on her and saved her from being passed around by the man of Red Moon like an old rag doll.
He told her that since she has been sold to Red Moon, he will keep the deal and support her father's company in the dark. He also added that she can stay with her parents, but only under one condition.
She becomes his woman.
However, due to her being too young, he told her he will wait until she becomes an adult to have her.
So without thinking, she didn't hesitate to agree. If it meant she can be with her parents again, she didn't care.