Chapter 540 you have to keep i (1/2)

Yue Ling quietly remained within Lu Tian's arms. Even when he had stopped talking, she could not bring herself to say a word. She had only thought about what he might want, that she forgot that the person hugging her is Lu Tian.

The Lu Tian who is cold and indifferent but at the same time, can be the sweetest and kindest man.

The Lu Tian who understands her and has never judged her despite knowing her past.

As she thought about his words, her lower lip pout and her expression turns into one of child going to cry.


She wraps her arms around his waist and let her tears escape her eyes.

”I'm so sorry. I was being selfish, and thought it was best to push you away. I should have considered your feelings.”

Lu Tian close his eyes and hugs her tighter like he wanted to knead her into one with him. He remains quiet and lets her cry her heart out. Even if her tears wanted to stain his shirt, he doesn't mind. If possible, he would rather her tears and pain transfer into him so he will be the one to carry the weight for her.

Through Yue Ling's sobs, she told him everything the doctors had told her. Once she had let everything out, she was able to calm down a bit. However, despite telling him, she still felt empty and sad that she can never be a mother again.

What about their child in her dream? He said it was not the right time, so what will happen? How is he going to come back to them if she cannot get pregnant anymore?

As she thought this, she could feel Lu Tian's hand gently caressing her back, and she tells herself to get herself together. She pulls away from him and wipes her tears. However, before she could even raise her hands, Lu Tian was one step ahead.

His hands moved like ninjas in the shadows and he gently wipes her tears for her. Once he was done, two other people cross her mind and she held onto his hand.

”Tian, what about your family? What will your father and mother say when they hear I cannot give them a grandchild?”

Yue Ling couldn't help but think about Old Lu and Madam Lu. They have been so good to her like they were her own parents. She could still remember how thrilled they were when they heard the news of becoming grandparents.

Then came the crash. She can still remember the sad and devastating look on their faces when they learned about the miscarriage.

And now… They are going to find out that she cannot get pregnant anymore.

What will they say? What will they think about her?

Lu Tian sighs inside when he heard her question. He raise a hand and gently taps her nose with a faint smile.

”Do you really think my parents will push you away? Especially my mother?”

He knows his parents well and he knows that they adore Yue Ling. Even if she cannot give them a grandchild, they will love and protect her just as much as him.

Thinking this, he held her left land and raise it up to his lip. He stares at L'amour de ma vie for a long second, then lightly kiss the back of her ring finger. His eyes stares straight into her bluish green eyes and he reassures her.

”No matter what anyone says or thinks. Remember that I am the one you are marrying. Not anyone else.”

His words fell and he straightens his posture with his chin slightly raised.

”And just so you know, the moment I have my heart to you, you have to keep it.”

Yue Ling was suddenly struck speechless by his words. She blinks her eyes like some dust had gotten inside, before finally being able to process her mind again.


Lu Tian lowers his head and leans closer to her until there was only a two-inch gap between them. A smile curls on his lip as it reaches his eyes.