Chapter 523 see for yourself (1/2)

\”Bro, sorry to ruin your energy, but you're a little late.\”

Xu Long held his position in alert, but hearing the familiar voice, he turns his head to the left of him and the two assistant lock eyes.

Seeing that it was his new family and not the enemy, he slowly rise from his crouch position.

Liu Shan's usual carefree aura had return to him like the darkness emitting from him earlier had never been there.

He walks towards Xu Long as Qi Li did the same from the door entrance of the factory.

Both men were glad to see Lu Tian's assistant did not meet any trouble and is here with his energetic personality. It would have been nice to see him in action, but he was a few seconds too late.

However, they can't help but wonder what happened when he (Xu Long) took Zhao Ya'Er home. What could have possibly taken him such a long time to get here?

\”Shan! Li! Long! Where is Ah Ling?\”

Just as Liu Shan and Qi Li stopped next to Xu Long, an even more familiar voice calls out from the side. All three men turns to look at the person.

It was Grandfather Ji. He wasn't wearing his usual changshan attire but dressed in a nice military uniform.

Looking at the old man, Liu Shan gestures a polite bow.

\”Yue Ling and Lu Tian went after Chu Li Xiang. If my guess is correct, they should have him in custody and are headed this way.\”

Hearing the young man's words, Grandfather Ji sighs in relief. He swore, ever since this granddaughter of his arrived in Imperial, she is always trying to give in a heart attack.

She has yet to fully recover and is already running off to beat the bad guys.

His daughter is a pure and innocent woman, while his son-in-law has a good temper. Both her grandmothers are sweet women who wouldn't lay a finger on a bug.

Just who does she take after?

Ah, right. She takes after him and Old Han.

Shaking his head, he massage his forehead then waves to the soldiers waiting for his command.

\”Search the place top to bottom. Cover all exits. Any enemy still alive, take them in.\”

\”Yes General.\”

Grandfather Ji's domineering voice gives command and the soldiers answer all together. Each person quickly split into groups of five to search for any enemy still breathing.

As the soldiers commence, so did the police officers and paramedics. On their way here, Liu Shan had informed them of the situation and the hostages.

Qi Li walks over to Grandfather Ji and he gestures a polite bow to the old man he respects.

\”Grandfather Ji, Lin Hui is inside with a woman Yue Ling was able to save. As for the other hostages, a few of them suffer injuries, but…\”

Before Qi Li could finish his words, Grandfather Ji stuck his palm out to stop the young man.

He didn't need to hear the rest as he already know what had happened.

Chu Li Xiang has been a wanted man within Imperial for many years. Many have been deceived and murdered by him. However, law enforcement were never able to catch him because they could never trace the crime back to the scum.

Even though they were not able to catch him, he (Grandfather Ji) never let his guard down.

Fortunately Chu Li Xiang's attempt to kill Yue Ling and his escape from prison gave them a good reason to punish him by law. Not only this, his attempt at human trafficking is another sentence on his head.

Just thinking about the despicable man makes the blood boil inside Grandfather Ji.

Murdering his great grandchild has yet to subdue his anger and now his granddaughter was almost sold off to who knows where.

\”Shan! Qi Li!\”

From behind, another voice calls out to the two men catching their attention.

Turning to see who it is, to their surprise it was none other than Ji Jingxu. Following behind was also Ting.

The two young men had jumped down from a military helicopter, but neither were in military uniform. Instead, they were clothed in black tactical gears and fully armed.

If someone who didn't know saw them, they would no doubt think Ji Jingxu and Ting had years of experience on the line.

\”Where is jie? Is she okay? Is that bastard dead? Where is he? I'm going to skin him alive!\”

Questions burst into Liu Shan's ears as Ji Jingxu grabs the front of his shirt and vigorously shakes him.

Liu Shan doesn't stop the boy but allows Ji Jingxu to carry on. Like his neck no longer had any bones, his head tilt back then forward, then side to side.

After what felt like an entire year had gone by, Ji Jingxu finally let go of the assistant. His breathing was heavy, but he stares at the man with a confused expression.