Chapter 505 enjoy her in one time (1/2)
The same time the long hair man entered the room to choose his prey, on the mountain behind the abandoned factory, Liu Shan sat on the hood of his red Audi r8.
He had a laptop on his lap and another one at his side. The loud tapping of the keyboard sounds as his fingers get to work.
Glancing to the screen of the laptop on his side, he checks the multiple camera angles shown. Zooming in on one footage, he lifts his hand to press the earpiece on his head.
”Lu Tian, 110 meters until ground level.”
From the other line, Lu Tian's deep voice sounds in his usual short answer.
The aloof man at this moment wore a pair of black gloves with a harness wrapped around his waist and thighs. Attached to the harness is a long rope to help secure a safe route as he climbs down the steep mountain.
Although the back of his shirt was covered in sweat, he swiftly continues down to his target location.
[”Fucken bastards!”]
Suddenly, Liu Shan voices sounds through the earpiece again, but this time it was one full of raging anger.
Knowing that the assistant must have seen something from the camera, Lu Tian spoke as he makes his journey down.
[”Two men dragged her into a room.”]
Hearing the assistant's words, uncontrollable anger infuriated inside Lu Tian. His dark pupils flash dangerously as he clench the rope tightly.
Letting go of the rope, he leaps down skipping a huge and dangerous gap before grabbing hold of the rope again. However, he does not stop, but repeats the same steps.
Each drop he made total in 190 centimeters or more. He did not care anymore as he could only think of decreasing his climb down to get to his wife.
Those bastards dare to touch his wife. Just wait until he finds them. He'll make sure they wish they never lived.
Glancing down, he estimates the gap between him and the ground to be at lease 200 centimeters or more. Checking for a clear landing, he lets go of the rope and makes a jump onto the ground below.
Swiftly landing, he crouch down behind the multiple trees that hid him from those guarding the abandoned factory.
”How is everyone's situation?”
From the other line, Jiangyu's voice sounds in. The bulky man, Ju Suo and Team A had arrived on the east side of the building and were positioning themselves for further order.
[”Waiting on your signal.”]
Right after the bulky man spoke, Gui Tian Lan's voice chimes in as he was the one in command of his group.
He, Gui Zhongmin and Tang Zhonghui along with Team B and Team D were already positioned on the west side of the building.
[”Ready to shoot these bastards at your signal.”]
From the south side of the building, Lin Hui spoke as he and Team C were able to quietly meet up with Qi Li and Li Wei.
Each person had scattered along the forest in position as they await Lu Tian's next orders.