Chapter 501 what can she do (1/2)

”Yea, we got one. The other escaped, but this one is better than any of the girls we took.”

Sitting inside a moving black car, the man with a scar on his chin sat in the passenger seat. He spoke with confidence to someone over the phone.

The faint mumble of the person from the other line can be heard but unclear due to the wind coming through the open window.

”Don't worry, the other girl escaped but what can she do. Once she informs the police, we'll be long gone.”

As the man continue on with his ramble, Yue Ling sat in the backseat with a cloth bag over her head and hands tied behind her back.

In most cases, someone in her situation would be wash with fear, but not her. She kept silent as she await the car to reach its destination.

Although they kept Chu Li Xiang from leaving Imperial, they know that the only place he will go is the hideout where the women they took are being held.

That way they will be able to capture him while saving the women too.

However, after knowing that these men were Chu Li Xiang's men, she made the decision to go with them.

Since they came after her, she didn't have to go to them.

Behind the bag that covered her head, she closes her eyes and inhales a deep, but quiet breath to steady herself. She must save all her energy for what is to come next.

When she was standing face to face with the two men, she saw Lin Hui's drone in the sky. Knowing that he is nearby, she could confirm that Liu Shan and Xu Long were also near, that was why she gave Zhao Ya'Er the signal to leave.

As she thought this, she could feel the car slow down before completely stopping and the engine shuts off.

”Bring her inside.”

The man from the driver seat orders the other man as they exit the car.

Yue Ling did not make a sound as the man grabs her arm and pulls her out of the car. Just as her feet touched the ground, he removes the cloth bag and grins menacingly at her.

”You're going to make a lot of money for us.”

He spoke his words in chuckles, but seeing her calm composure caused him to frown. All the women they've captured had cried and begged them to be let go, but Yue Ling was different.

She was staring right at him, like she was staring into his soul. Not only that, she did not cry or show any signs of fear. She looked like she was standing outside her own home.

Finding her reaction a little strange, he quickly brush it aside. He tells himself that Yue Ling must be trying to act strong when inside she is actually really scared.

Grabbing her by the arm, he pulls her towards the door as the other man had already left inside.

Yue Ling does not make a sound but scan her surroundings. If her guess is right, this place must be located at the foot behind the mountains.

The place looked like an abandon factory that no one has used in years. One look and she can see why Chu Li Xiang chose this place.

It was big but with the trees around, it is difficult to spot on from a distance.

She can make out a few figures standing by the doors and see some walking around the building.

Turning her head to look in one direction, her eyes caught sight of something in the distance. However, quickly averting her gaze away, she continues on to look at the place.