Chapter 447 - his head (1/2)

Time slipped away as the rain outside did not cease one bit. Lu Tian never left his wife's side, afraid he would not see her anymore. He stares at her and thought about their little one.

They hadn't even decided a name or find out the gender…

*Knock knock

A quiet knock at the door suddenly interrupts Lu Tian's thoughts. The door slowly opens as Xu Long looks inside at his lady boss then his boss. Sighing inside, he enters the room.

”Where is he?”

Before Xu Long could even utter a sound, Lu Tian's hoarse voice spoke first. However, the assistant did not get surprised or scared, he takes a step inside and answers.

”We've taken him to that place.”

Lu Tian's red eyes that seemed to have lost its way flash murderously, but only for a quick second.

He calmly stood up and leans down to kiss his wife's.

'When you open your eyes, I will have returned to your side.'

He takes one long look at her before turning away.

”Let's go.”

Walking out of the private ward, Xu Long quickly follows after.

Outside the room, Lian Ni Shang and Shan Sinan were waiting with Lin Hui and Qi Li.

Leaving Imperial Military Hospital, Lu Tian ordered Lian Ni Shang to stay with his wife while Shan Sinan stayed with Liu Shan.

He also ordered the members of Wolf Team to keep a close watch inside the hospital and outside.

The only ones who left with him were Xu Long, Lin Hui and Qi Li.

As the four men entered a black car, it drove through the empty streets of Imperial.

It didn't take long before they arrived in front of a small building.

It was restaurant, but unlike all the other building that had no lights on, the lights inside this restaurant was brightly lit.

The second the car parked, Lu Tian pushed the door open and stepped out.

Quickly following his action, the other three doors open, and the three men stepped out as well.

Entering the brightly lit restaurant, the bell that was hung on the door chimes a sound.

An elderly man with white hair sat behind the front counter. He was reading a newspaper, but when he heard the bell, he lowers it to see who had come in.

Seeing the four men, he looks at each one with slightly squint eyes until he got to Lu Tian.

”Ah, Mr. Lu, it's a pleasure to see you here. Xu Long informed us of your arrival.”

Usually others would have stood and greeted the powerful man, but the old man remained seated. Giving his greetings, he raise the newspaper and goes back to reading.

Qi Li and Lin Hui arch a brow in curiosity when they saw this, then to Lu Tian.

However, the man did not get angry at the elderly man. His eyes scans the empty restaurant before striding in the direction of the back.

As the four men pass the counter, they entered the long hallway before disappearing behind a door.

Without moving his eyes from the newspaper, the elderly man's hand reach for the bell that was placed on the counter. Tapping it three times, he calls out.

”Table for four.”

His words fell as three tapping sound of bell came again, but this time from the kitchen.

The restaurant quickly returned to emptiness like none of the four men had ever stepped foot inside.

”Mister, are you closing soon?”

Seconds after the quietness, the front door opens again with the chime of the bell. Looking up from the newspaper, the elderly man squint his eyes to see the customer.

It was two men and a woman that entered the restaurant. They looked like they had just left the nightclub and were craving a late night meal.

Setting the newspaper down, he smiles to them and grabs the menu.

”We are open 24 hours every day.”

As he walks around the counter with the menus in one hand and a cane in the other, he lifts the cane and taps on the bell once.

”Table for three.”

It was as if the place was indeed a restaurant with nothing out of sorts.

Behind the door in the back of the restaurant, Lu Tian and the others arrived at a thick metal door. Opening it, it was a back up freezer for storing fresh meat.

However, none of them stop but continue forward, reaching another door identical to the one they came through, Xu Long opens it and Lu Tian entered first.

This time, a set of stairs leading down greets them with little light.


Each step they took, the faint screaming of a man can be heard. The more they walked down the stairs, the screaming grew louder and louder.