Chapter 396 - you have suffered (2/2)
A smile curls on her lip and she takes a deep breath.
”You have grown so beautifully. If your mother and father saw you today, they would be so proud of the woman you have become.”
Yue Ling felt her entire being soften hearing the way Madam Lu addressed her parents. It was genuine feelings with no hate in her voice.
However, she slightly tilt her head and blink her eyes at Madam Lu.
”You have met me before?”
Madam Lu chuckles at her words and her smile widens.
”Mm. When you were still a little girl, your mother and father often brought you here. Every chance my husband and I had, we would bring Tian and Han to come play with you.”
Listening to her explanation, Yue Ling tried to remember the past that involved the Lu family, but no matter how much she tried, it was only a blank page.
If she had met Lu Tian when she was younger, how could she not remember?
Even when she saw his photos when he was younger, why didn't she feel he was familiar at all?
Madam Lu stares at Yue Ling and she could see the confused look in the girl's face. She sighs a smile and pat Yue Ling's hand again.
”It has been many years and you were so much younger, it's normal to forget.”
Hearing these words, Yue Ling smiles apologetically at Madam Lu. It is not that she is purposely doing this. She really does not remember ever meeting the Lu family.
If she did met them before, she is sure she would have remembered.
Madam Lu sighs a chuckle and reach a hand to caress Yue Ling's cheek.
”The past is the past, there is no need to remember. I am glad to know that you have grown up to be great and ambitious young woman.”
However, saying this as she was trying to fight back her tears, a faint sob escapes her lip as her hand holding Yue Ling's tighten a little.
A tear slid down her cheek and a heart-aching smile curls on her face.
”You must have gone through so much by yourself.”
Yue Ling stares at Madam Lu with slightly furrow brows. She did not understand why Madam Lu would say something like this and suddenly cry.
Knowing that Yue Ling is confused as to why she is this way, Madam Lu's hand on the girl's cheek moves away as she wipes away her tears.
”You are only one person and yet, you had to shoulder so much all these years. If I had met you sooner again, I would have not let you be alone in this world.”
Another tear falls, but she quickly wipes it away and trembles a smile to Yue Ling.
”Now that you are a part of my Lu family, do not worry on your own anymore. Every burden you are carrying, my Lu family will help you carry them.”
Staring at the middle-aged woman whose tears would not stop falling, Yue Ling eye's slightly shook.
She felt like the air around her had turned so thick that it was hard to breathe.
Hesitation washed inside her as she thought of something, however, she couldn't help but ask.
”You… Do you know?”
Madam Lu struggles a smile and wipes her tears at the question. She stares directly into Yue Ling's bluish green eyes and nods her head.
”Aiya, my Zhao and Lu family have been close with your Han and Ji family for so many years. How can I not know?”
She tries to force her tears back from falling, but to no avail, one after another, her tears continues to fall.
Her hand slowly raise to touch the top Yue Ling's head like a mother to her daughter.
”To leave such a big company and Fate in your hands, it must have been very hard for you.”
In gentle strokes, she pats Yue Ling's head.
”Everything will be okay now, Mami.”
Like time had stopped, Yue Ling felt all the hair on her body stand at the mention of the name she was familiar with more than anyone.
It was a Japanese nickname her mother had given her as a child. The Ma Kanji meaning true and the Mi Kanji meaning beauty.
A name she had thrown away when she came to Imperial.
Her eyes slowly turned moist as only a few people in the world know this name of hers.
She had thought Madam Lu was only a friend of her mother on the surface, but never would she have imagined that both Madam Lu and Old Lu know about her paternal family's background.
As she stares into the woman's eyes, her lower lip began to tremble.
Before she could remember to blink her eyes, a tear slowly sought its way down her cheek.
It brought a burning sensation into her heart as another tear falls.
Seeing these pearl size tears, Madam Lu's heart aches even more for her.
She quickly wraps her arms around Yue Ling as one hand gently stroke the back of her head.
”Aiya, my child… you have suffered so much.”