Chapter 358 Amusing (1/2)
Inside the office of An Qing's CEO, the atmosphere was not too good. As two figures stood up in close distance, another sat on one of the couches. However, at this moment, a folder is opened on the floor with the documents inside all scatter out for anyone to see.
Chen Limei's eyes landed on the documents and her eyes widen as if they could fall from their sockets at any second.
At first, she thought it do be some contract for her to leave An Qing that involved a blank cheque.
With a shaking voice, she could only choke out one word in a stutter.
One the floor, it was not only document papers of everything she has done, but also full-size photos of her meeting in private with businessmen and businesswomen.
However, it wasn't just any professional meetings, it was also the affairs she had.
All the affairs she's had and did to keep the business running for An Qing.
Her lower lip trembles and she could not look away from the floor. Before she could react, he legs turned weak and she slumps onto the floor without a care about the pain on her knees.
Some photos had her in clothes while some were naked photos of her. In each photo, she is seen with a different man even woman.
How could Yue Ling get her hands on these?
She had been so careful and done everything in secret. No one else should know about this besides those she had an affair with.
”Amusing isn't it?”
Yue Ling's angelic voice sounds as Chen Limei kneeled on the floor.
Anyone who sees this scene would think of Yue Ling as the evil villainess in a novel and Chen Limei the pitiful protagonist.
However, no matter what others may think about her, Yue Ling did not care. The world can see her however they want, because the world itself is already corrupted.
She leans against the couch and decides to partake the roll of the evil villainess. After all, it was people like Chen Limei who made her this way.
Her left-hand raise, and she stares at the one of a kind beauty on her ring finger.
”You hold the deepest and darkest secrets of those around you, while I hold yours.”
Her hand lowers onto her lap and she turns to look at the pitiful looking Chen Limei.
”Did you really think that I wouldn't find out about any of this?”
Seeing Chen Limei's head still hung low without a response, she looks away and a soft, yet evil chuckle escapes her lip.
”Chen Limei ah, I once thought you were a cleaver woman. However, you are indeed too naïve. Every move you made I was always ten steps ahead.”
Listening to Yue Ling's words, Chen Limei felt as if someone had dumped buckets of ice-cold water onto her. She slumps more onto the floor and could not believe this is happening to her.
She had already lost face in front of the entire world with her loss and now, Yue Ling is pouring more salt on her yet to heal wound.
If this is really a dream, she wish someone will wake her up from it.
However, to her unfortunate, this is not a dream but reality that stabbed her hard on the back for her crimes.