Chapter 340 homeless men (1/2)

Imperial's night turned busy as the annual Fall Fashion Show took place inside Beauty. However, the night was quieter than usual with only little pedestrians and a few cars roaming to get to their destination.

Across from Beauty stood two buildings with no lights on as everyone had gone home. However, between the dark alley that separated the two companies, two figures can be faintly made out.

It was two homeless men that comes to view with faces smear in dirt. Their hair disheveled and oily like they had not showered in months.

Despite their shabby and torn clothes, neither men did not care because they each had a blanket to keep them warm.

One homeless man sat up as the blanket covers him from head down, while the other laid to the right with the blanket covering his entire body up to his nose as he sleeps.

The one sitting up rest his elbows on his knees with both hands near his eyes. He held a dark object and part his lips to speak.

”I see movement at 1 o'clock.”

Saying this, his eyes narrow as if to get a clearer view through the dark object.

”Movement headed this way.”

His right hand quickly lowers and his dirty index finger hits the homeless man sleeping.

”Closing in at 100 feet… no 50 feet…”

Feeling the continuous taps, the homeless man laying down opens his eyes with murderous intents. He pulls the blanket away from his face and abruptly sits up.

”Stop hitting my forehead!!”

His eyes glares at the man. Anymore and he swore he's going to lose his mind.

He looks away from the annoying man to the street ahead at the supposedly movement. However, he was struck dumbfounded.

”Xu Long, are you an idiot or a big idiot? That's your boss.”


Xu Long's face turns red and he lowers his hand holding the dark object that turns out to be binoculars.

His bottom lip overlaps his upper lip and he sarcastically hums a laugh.

”Heh Heh… I knew that. I was just testing you.”

Lin Hui rolled his eyes and scoff.

”You're really a big idiot. How can you not recognize your own boss?”

”If I'm a big idiot, then you are a bigger idiot.”

”Ha! Then you are the biggest idiot.”

Into their refute towards one another, neither men paid attention to the man approaching them.

Lu Tian walks up to the two homeless men arguing like an old couple. Stopping in front of them, he held back the urge to laugh at their undercover appearance.

After they had recovered, Lin Hui was paired with Xu Long. Of course, Lin Hui also chose their disguise and off all the choices, he decided on  homeless men.

However, looking at them now, Lu Tian felt this identity wasn't so bad for them.

He clears his throat and looks down at them with his usual stern expression.

”Are you both done?”


Bickering at one another, Xu Long and Lin Hui both shiver at the sudden drop of temperature. Neither dare to look up but answers together.