Chapter 312 Záchva (1/2)

The loud gunshot echoed through the quiet penthouse. The man who fired the shot sneers down at the bed. He couldn't wait to hear the woman cry in pain.

From what he was told, the woman is the beauty, Han Yue Ling. Even he can't help but be jealous that a man like Lu Tian is able to keep her by his side.

However, after the gun shot, all was still and quiet with no sound of a woman crying.

His brows knitted tightly, and he quickly grabs the blanket.

By now, both men's eyes had slightly adjusted to the darkness, but once the blanket was pulled, all they saw was what looked like feathers floating in the air.


Both men were rooted to the ground. Neither could comprehend what happened.


A low growl sounds from the bed and quickly brought the senses back to the two men. They could see the outline of something hair on top of the bed.

”What the fuck-!”

Man 1 reacted first and lift his hand hold the gun. He pulls the trigger and fires another shot at the unknown creature.



Inu's ears perk in response to the foreign word and swiftly leaps to the side as more feathers float into the air.

Man 1 had yet to fire when Inu bounces on the bed and charges at the man.


Man 1 shrieks in pain and drops his gun to the floor. Inu's mouth locks onto the arm and with a slight twist, a loud 'ka-cha' sounds as he breaks the arm without letting go.

”Argh-! What are you waiting for, shoot it!!”

Man 1 roars in rage and pain. His other hand grabs hold of Inu's head and tries to pull the Samoyed away.

Man 2 reacts and aims his gun at Inu, however, with Man 1 constantly moving, he couldn't get a good aim. He swears inside and pulls the trigger. It was all or nothing.


Before Man 2 could even pull the trigger, his eyes widen as his head flings sideways to the left. A sharp pain penetrates the right side of his temple and out the left side. Blood spurts out and his body falls to the ground with a loud thud.

Laying on the cold floor, his eyes remained open as his last thoughts wonder to who shot him.


Man 1 curse when he heard the suppressed gun shot and the loud thud of a body. His head darts in every direction as he tries to pull the unknown creature off of his arm.

However, Inu does not budge at all. His mouth tightens its hold and he swung his body to flip the man.



The man's body had yet to touch the floor when the sound of a suppressed gun shot fires again and his head flings to the right.


Like the other man, he laid on the cold floor and could not understand how or where the bullet came from.

As the two men laid dead, Inu finally let's go of the arm and sits. His head turns to look up at the darkest part of the room.

Yue Ling's slender figure slowly steps out from the shadows and she stares does at the two men.

Her calm expression makes one tremble as everything seem so natural for her.

Without moving her body, she turn her head to the glass door.

A few moments ago when the two mask men were still alive and opened the glass door, the front door in the living room also opened at the same time.

Footsteps quietly enter the penthouse as four men wearing masks steps inside. Their guns ready in position as they can't be sure if Lu Tian's men are waiting for them inside.

They left the door opened and did not bother to close it. Slowly proceeding towards the bedroom, they confirmed that they were the only ones inside. They continue but remembered that they were inside Jade Condos.

”Search for any valuables.”

Man 1 calls a command to the other three. Due to them having the upper hand, they can kidnap and rob, after all, Han Yue Ling is only a model and Lu Tian is not in Imperial.

While the four men start to search the living room, they did not notice the head poking behind the door they left opened.

Lin Hui stares at the four men rummaging through the place and he lightly shook his head. He cannot believe how dumb these men are to enter without caution.



Just when he thought of the idiotic men, he unknowingly sighs aloud. He quickly hides behind the door again and held in his breath. He curses inside for his dumbness.

However, all four men had heard his sigh. They look at each other and Man 1 whispers.

”Who was it that breathed?”

”It wasn't me.”

”Not me.”

”Not me either. Was it you?”

The other three men quickly denies. They had also heard the sigh, so it was not them.

Man 1 glares at the three men. He had heard the sigh loud and clear.

”If it wasn't you guys, then who? A ghost?”

”It was me.”

From behind the door, Lin Hui nonchalantly answers with a light giggle, but he does not move from position.

All four men look in every direction in search for the owner of the voice, however, there was only four of them and no one else.

Man 1's eyes narrow and he signals the men to lay low. His hand motion towards the door.

Seeing the gesture, Man 2 nod his head and slowly creep towards the door, but instead of going directly to the door, he stops in front of one of the white couches.


The same time Man 2 fired a shot, another shot sounds from the bedroom, but no one moves. They were already occupied in the living room, and the other shot should be from the other men.

Man 2 jumps behind the couch and furrow his brows. He scratches his head and looks at the other three.

”There's no one.”

Hearing his words, the other three lowers their guns. Maybe it was one of them playing a trick on them since the place was dark.

Man 1 scoffs and continues to search for any valuables.

Man 2 sits down on the couch and sees a dark object. He grabs it and a wide grin curls on his lip when he realized that it was a handbag. He quickly digs inside for the wallet and spoke.

”Bro, are you sure you heard someone else?  I'm sure we're the only ones here.”

”That's because I'm over here.”

*Pu-!* Thud*

Lin Hui answers Man 2. His figure flashes out from behind the door and quickly shoots Man 2 in the head.


Man 1 roars out to the other two as each person quickly reacts and fires in the direction of where Man 2 was.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*