Chapter 270 Give me a hand (1/2)
The jade dragon on the shelf was small, but it looked so powerful like the mighty dragon that it is. Lu Tian reach his hand out and carefully touch it.
”I am selling it if you like.”
Walking up to the man, Uncle Zhi spoke his words and stood next to Lu Tian. However, he continues to size up Lu Tian. Every now and then, he would nod his head approvingly. Liu Shan had told him in advance. At first he didn't approve of it, but....
He turn his head to look at Yue Ling. Thinking of something, he looks at the jade dragon.
”I will gift this dragon to you.”
Yue Ling stare at the middle aged man and she didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Knowing how Uncle Zhi is, the moment he likes someone, he will gift an item to that person. No matter how much value the item has, he will give it away like candy.
Shaking her head, she turns around and leaves the two men alone. She will ask him about the item later.
Lu Tian's brows furrow and the space between his brows crease into three lines. He stares at the jade dragon and ponder about Uncle Zhi's words. Why would the man gift such a valuable item to him?
Guessing what Lu Tian is currently thinking, Uncle Zhi faintly smiles and held his hand behind his back.
”Not many young people nowadays have good eyes like you and Miss Han. Since you have great taste in this jade dragon, I will gift it to you.”
Lu Tian looks at Uncle Zhi. He wanted to say something but before he could even open his mouth, the middle age man had already spoke.
”Because SHE choose you, I will respect her decision. As I've now met you, I think you are a good person.”
Listening till the end, Lu Tian did not say a word. He was not even bothered that Uncle Zhi did not let him speak. Judging by the way Uncle Zhi speaks and his demeanor, Lu Tian knows that Uncle Zhi may not be a simple person, but he has a good heart.
He then nod his head, ”I thank you then.”
Uncle Zhi smiles at Lu Tian and pat the young man on the shoulder, ”No, it is I, who should thank you.”
Finishing his words, he turns away and walks to Yue Ling. He is thankful that someone like Lu Tian entered his young miss's heart. She needs a man who is at the same level with her.
Left alone, Lu Tian took one last look at the jade dragon, then he looks in the direction of his wife. He sees that Uncle Zhi and Yue Ling are discussing about something.
However, the more he sees this scene, he notices how it is the middle age man who shows politeness to his wife. Given the age difference between the two, it should have been the other way around, but it wasn't.
As he thought this, deep inside him, he couldn't help but wonder about who his wife really is. He won't lie, every time he comes to learn something new about her, curiosity rises inside. Yet, he only had Xu Long investigate her that one time when they first met. After that, he never did. Not because he couldn't, but because he wants to respect her and wait for her to tell him. What was the point of a relationship if there is no trust?
Ending his thoughts, he takes a step forward and walks in the direction of his wife and Uncle Zhi.
Standing with her back facing Lu Tian, Yue Ling did not see the expression on his face. She continues to talk to Uncle Zhi.
”Liu Shan notified me that you've received the item.”
Uncle Zhi chuckles a laugh, ”Wait here, I stored it in a safe place.”
Yue Ling nod her head in understanding. She turns around and gasp in a slight surprise to see Lu Tian standing behind her.
”Oh, Tian.” She smiles to him, ”Anything you like besides the Jade dragon?”