Chapter 119 I’ll take care of this (2/2)

Hearing the annoyance in the man's voice, Yue Ling felt confused. It was normal for parents to want their children to go home?

Looking at Lu Tian, she really envies him for being able to use those words.

Parents... father... mother....

How she yearns to say those words again....

Letting out a small sigh, she smiles at him, ”You should go. I'll still be here when you return.”

No matter how annoying one's parents may be, they are the reason why one was given life.

Seeing her smile full of warmth that he loves, Lu Tian really doesn't want to leave. Why would he go to the Lu Household when he can stay here with the woman he loves?

But... remembering his father saying it was important, he knows he needed to go.

”I won't be long.”

He press his lip on Yue Ling's forehead, then reluctantly, he leaves out the door.

Turning back to the grocery bags, Yue Ling continues to put away the things. Inu, however, was running around in blissful joy.

”Woof! Woof!”

'Yay!! The evil peasant is gone!! It's just me and mommy now!!'


*Ring Ring*


Inu crashes into the wall and looks around, searching with glaring eyes for the sound he hates.

'Did that evil peasant not leave?!!'

Yue Ling chuckles at her baby. Reaching into her bag, she takes her phone out. Seeing who was calling, she frown.

'Ji Mansion'

”Did something happen?”

Usually when it was her grandfather or Jingxu calling, they'd normally call from their own phones. Not thinking much, she answers the call.

”Hello, Han Yue Ling speaking.”

[”Young Miss... umm, is young master with you?”]

Yue Ling frown at the question, ”Jingxu is not with me. Housekeeper Hu, did something happen at the Ji Mansion?”

[”No... no, nothing happened. I was just—”]


On the other line, Housekeeper Hu could feel cold sweat sliding down his old face. He was scared of Old Man Ji, but Han Yue Ling was different. She was a very nice and polite girl, but she can also be someone's worst nightmare.

She could be more colder than Old Man Ji.

Swallowing his saliva, he wipes the sweat from his forehead. He knew he was left with no other choice but to explain everything.

[”Y-Young Miss, it's like this—”]


From start to end, Yue Ling did not say a word but listens to Housekeeper Hu's words attentively. However, her eyes darken one shade darker after another.

Her peaceful aura from before was gone.

”Tell Yeye to rest. I'll take care of this.”

[”Yes, Young Miss.”]

Ending the call, she clench her phone tightly and her expression turn cold and dangerous. Not waiting for time, she dials a number.

Just after one ring, someone pick up from the other line.

[”CEO Han, what can I do for you?”]

”Locate Jingxu.”

Not waiting, Yue Ling hangs up the phone and grabs a black coat from her closet room. Putting it on as she walks out, she looks at Inu.


Hearing the word, Inu's happy demeanor quickly changes. Like a dog trained in the battlefield, he becomes serious.


Yue Ling pats Inu's head, then grabs her handbag and leaves.

Getting inside her car, she speeds out of Jade Condos garage parking. As she drives to her designated place, she call Liu Shan.

[”Hi Boss!!!”]

”Kodeu Ledeu.”

Hearing Yue Ling's order, the jolly tone Liu Shan had when he answered the call disappears. His tone now was serious and dangerous.


”De L'amour. Ten minutes.”
