Chapter 41 I want this dress (2/2)
She leisurely continue to walk on.
Coming to a stop, she stood in front of the store 'Essence'.
Without any hesitation, she enters the gold double doors.
The sound of her shopping bags shuffling pass the doors made quite a noise that caught the attention of the workers and customers inside.
Yue Ling wanted to cry, because she understood the stares.
It was really quiet inside and what just happened as she walked in was even louder than the music playing.
A girl worker walks up to Yue Ling with a polite smile.
”Good morning miss, can I help you find anything?”
Yue Ling looked at the way all the girl workers dressed.
Their white button down blouse was tucked neatly in their navy blue knee length pencil skirts. Even their hair was styled the same into a high bun.
The red scarf around their neck reminded her of flight attendants.
She smile to the worker, ”Thank you, but I just want to take a look around.”
The girl smiles back politely, ”Okay. Feel free to let me or any of the other workers know if you need help with anything.”
She turned around back to work while Yue Ling stroll through the store looking at the items on each fixtures and shelves.
'Essence' is a store that sells both men and woman clothing and shoes. The only difference in this store and other stores was the expensive price tags.
The lowest price was a set of silver earrings costing at 7,000 yuan.
Others may think the price was too high in the store, but as a fashion designer, she knew that all the materials for each items were the best of the best.
Suddenly, from the corner of her eyes, she sees a mannequin wearing a lavender mermaid dress of lace design.
She raised one hand to couch the dress, to feel the material used to design such nicely made dress.
But, before her hand could touch the dress, a girl's voice squealed at the side of her.
”I want this dress!!”