Chapter 381 - Jun Sick part 2 (1/2)

Nathan is telling him to inject the medicine to higher up the blood pressure and transfuse more blood into the body. They are also checking into his blood platelet to see whether there is complication from his blood pressure and his ability to produce the blood.

They also injecting some medicine to make the alcohol on his blood to clear up as the operation will be unsuccessful if the blood still affected with the alcohol.

Collin is managed to seal the puncture on the ulcer which damage one of the blood vessels inside the stomach. The burst is quite big, and the stitches need to be quick with the thin thread.

Everyone is in awe to see Collin speed to stiches the puncture blood vessel. Bella knew his technique is top notch on the operating theater. It made her really reassurance to hand her husband life on his capable hand. Nathan also assisted Collin with his cold hand. He executed it professionally and perfectly without any error. Collin even did not need to tell him the procedure and he can read Collin's mind.

Every doctor in the auditorium who watch the live surgery are in awe to see their prefect technique. No one in the country able to do their job so neatly. The senior surgeon who managed to learn the fact that Collin was operated on one of the royal family members. Finally, they understood about his reputation and technique that landed him to become one of the leading surgeons for the member of the royal family.

The normal operation to fix this perforated ulcer in the stomach can take almost three hours. However, Collin and Nathan can finish it in half of the normal time. They are double check the puncture that already sew by Collin and Nathan is irrigating the stomach to clean it.

Collin and Nathan agree that Jun need to go to healthy lifestyle after this operation. He can not touch alcohol anymore before all the blood vessel on his stomach will burst out. He needs to stop into his coffee intake and has to eat his meal regularly. He can not skip his meal anymore and overwork.

Collin needs to tell Bella about her husband sickness if she still loves and wanted him to have a long life. She needs to put stop on his bad habits.

Nathan is closing the abdomen and stiches the stomach with a quick speed. His speed is not as quick as Collin, but he manages making all the surgeon on the auditorium really speechless to both their technique. Bella is understanding back then he was one of the leading surgeons on the Montreux hospital. His impeccable technique is really perfect, and he can stand and manage to be on par with Collin.

Every one in the auditorium are really in tense to see their operation to the body of the ric.h.e.s.t man in the world. If the operation is successful, it will bring glory to the hospital reputation. If the ric.h.e.s.t man in the world get killed on this hospital, then the royal family and this hospital reputation will be smear.

The hospital director is getting so tensed and expressed into his facial. He can not hold any more before breaking out on sweat. He is worrying with the reputation of his hospital when the prince is making sure the operation needs to be carried out as successful.

He is making sure the top doctor is on standby to be on call in front of the surgery room if Collin and Nathan are making mistake during the operation. The chance will be slim for his top team to jump into the surgery room while they carry the operation.

The operation finished one and half hour faster than the normal surgery time. Jun is getting wheeled to the recovery room with all the tube still on his body. they will try to wean him off from the respiratory machine and put him to the normal oxygen masks to breathe.

It will be a while until he will wake up from the effect of anesthesia and pain killer on his body. Collin was not worried about his best friend. However, Jun really needs to rest this time.

Apparently, in the night inside the ICU, Jun is developing a septic reaction to the medication after operation. His body is rejecting the medication and develop the condition that his wound got infection on his blood.

The monitor is telling the nurse in charge that Jun is having heart attack and at the same time, he got seizure on his body. Collin and Nathan are in hurry to go inside the recovery room. They are injecting the medication to stabilize the heart with steroid and help with the seizure. They manage to stop the seizure and make his heart rhythm to be stabilized.

Collin decides to get his brain CT scan to be afraid with his fried brain due on the seizure. Nathan is assisting the nurse to move to the CT-Scan room to check with Jun brain condition.

”Collin, we should check the whole body also… what is triggering the heart attack?” Nathan is brainstorming with Collin.