285 The failed plan (1/1)

Meanwhile, the guest transported to Yogyakarta airport from their hotel address in Imperial to the intended venue. No one knows where is the venue initially as in their invitation the address of venue was Chen Xi hotel under Choi Corporation. A Min was asking his subordinate to do their security countermeasure and checked their belonging before they boarded to the exclusive bus to the airport. Jun's private plane was on standby to transport them to Yogyakarta. they will get luxurious treatment in the plane to Yogyakarta before transported to the venue on the outskirts of the city with the background view of the mountain.

Madam An was slipped through as one of the invitees and she was enjoying all the exclusive treatment. She just knows if she was one of invitation into Lorenzo fashion show, it means that she is one of the higher socialites in the world. Madame Gu and her grandson were in the bus with Madame Ma. She was managed to scheme her way through to Madame Ma used the idea to follow her as her assistant. She was telling if they were inside the show then Lorenzo can move his store into Gu mall rather than Shin Mall. Madame Gu was paying a fortune for buying the invitation from one of the sick ladies from the upper class of imperial. She had to cancel her attendance in the last minute due to her health. No one knows that it was one of Madame An scheme to slip poison into her daily diet regime. She knows that she was one of the snob ladies who really took care of her health and manages to get her hand into the famous Lorenzo designer as her clothing designer.

The hidden force knows the attack into Mr Xu facility in Nepal which carried out by Jun's subordinate. She actually put a tail and knows that the plane heading to Russian. She planted the bug to every plane in Nepal and she got lucky as one of it was Liam's private plane used to transport Jun's mother body. She hired the most notable dark team to hijack the plane before it is landed to Russian nor enter to Russian airspaces. There is the other force almost equal to the Choi Family clan. She wired the fund almost $20 million dollars to the dark team where they chased the plane and shots one of the engines so they can do an emergency landing in Azerbaijan. As soon as the plane did the emergency landing and the team ready to snatch the package and killed the remaining staff. They managed successfully to retrieve the package and deliver it to the facility on the outside of Hong Kong where Shuei Lan resting. The doctor and nurses retrieve the body and do throughout check and hook the life support machine to the body to keep her alive. The doctor reported to the boss about the lady body is secure and alive.

Jun's face was dark and gloomy to hear that Liam's plane was hijacked on Azerbaijan. Penelope still managed to trace the movement of the plane and find out about the bug. However, the trace of the Ip address was firewalled around the world before it is ending in Jamaica. Penelope was stunned the location was Jamaica. However, Jamaica was famous for its scam company which could be a false location. She couldn't report it to her boss yet before she digs more information. No one could guess that the force lurking behind the darkness is headquartering and mansion in a small island in Jamaica. The view of the mansion is a white pebble sand beach with blue water and a luxurious yacht parked on the nearby marina bay.

”Boss… I am sorry to disturb you but Madame An will be in the attendee. Do you want to stop her?” Ben peeked his head on the door to ask his boss opinion before Liam strode into the room sending Ben to fall down on his knee.

”D*** it… they killed my staff and snatched the package…” Liam was furious and walked around the room.

”It is my mother for God sake… stopped called her the package…” Jun's stood up from the bed and get the nearby robe to cover his body.

”You are not yet sure… there is no concrete evidence… God D**mit,” Liam hit the wall to vent his anger. No one dares to intercept his plane and shot it under his nose.